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Everything posted by slowandlow

  1. definite free kick from what i saw on my stream (not the best admittedly) naive challenge , poor challenge, stupid challenge, just one of them things young players do
  2. best we've played for a bit and should have won comfortably, no point playing well and not picking up the points though ridiculous challenge to give away that free kick so late tho, and ashley young is not a striker by any stretch of the imagination
  3. they p1ssed about last year for the Blackburn semi-final as well so it doesnt surprise me
  4. should be able to get mine friday but will wait til monday i think, it should still be sound to get a ticket by this point i would imagine cant beleive we've only been given 3,800 tho
  5. Please do not make coach travel to the sty compulsory also when will we hear about when tickets for the game will be sold?
  6. will be interesting to see what they do with tkts for this - for most games up to now they have considered aways from last season as well as this season, but might be different given its a cup game
  7. im not convinced, too many tourist in the holte end these days, the sort that want a good atmosphere, but dont contribute and spend the game telling people to sit down despite being half way up the upper holte on a derby day
  8. Bit harsh - the atmosphere before the game was brilliant and continued to be so untill we started getting outplayed. It was a terrible game, with nothing to get excited about, I dont think the fans can be criticised on this occasion. i think its very fair to be honest, 10 mins before the game and 10 mins into the game it was good but then went completely flat which matched the game worst derby atmosphere i can remember, from home and away fans
  9. two very average prem teams who will be in mid-table come the end of the season, only reason for not being close to the drop zone is that there are so many other shit teams in the league draw was a fair result, we went in way too negatively, ashley young did nowt really, and often left warnock exposed to 2-on-1s particularly first half shit atmosphere as well, but that reflected the game really, and it wasn't like their lot were anything special either
  10. the chiltern one werent too bad for spurs, had to switch at oxford and ended up goin to paddington but dont think it added much to the journey time tbh
  11. terrible game all in all that neither team deserved to win. crowd was good in terms of numbers but very poor atmosphere from us even at 0-0 the performance wasnt too different to a MON era performance in my opinion, but at least we tended to get a decent result of some sort while playing poorly under MON
  12. Robinson is a muppet but what do you expect from an ex-head of OUCA
  13. sit on the fence n do the last option probably
  14. **** stewards are definitely the worst in the league, bunch of rocket polishers kickin people out all over the place
  15. apparently you can get the train to oxford then from oxford to paddington so it adds a bit of extra time to your journey, but not the end of the world best be able to do this anyway, cus they never mentioned anything about engineering works when i booked tickets with chiltern, last time i use them anyway they seem to p1ss me about every time i book with them gonna go down to snow hill at 4 to see what my options are There is a warning about engineering works on their website but when I click the link it suggests that they have engineering works planned every Saturday and Sunday until the middle of december. I've stated using National express coaches for London games. Their seldom more than half full, very comfortable and not much slower than Chiltern (2 hrs 10 to Finchley Road) I managed to get a return for 14 quid by using their funfares in advance. checked at the station and we can still get the 08:22, changing at oxford then onto London Paddington and the same on the way back so it doesnt add too much to the journey certainly not as bad as i thought it would be earlier but still i aint using Chiltern again, even if it aint up to them when the engineering works go ahead, every time ive booked with them for the footy they have been a waste of space
  16. apparently you can get the train to oxford then from oxford to paddington so it adds a bit of extra time to your journey, but not the end of the world best be able to do this anyway, cus they never mentioned anything about engineering works when i booked tickets with chiltern, last time i use them anyway they seem to p1ss me about every time i book with them gonna go down to snow hill at 4 to see what my options are
  17. Dunno about pubs round the ground - used to go on a coach that stopped off in some random place north of London. Going on the train rather than the coach for this one, but i have heard there is a tube strike or some engineering works scheduled for Saturday, has anyone heard similar? this is more for getting around after the game as we're stopping down London til the last train back to town
  18. 100% agreed mate, our away support was good for noise but pathetic in terms of numbers, its like going back 7 or 8 seasons. Don't know why Downing and Albrighton were switched for pretty much the whole of the second half when both were killing there full backs on their proper wings for the last 10 mins of the first half - should have left it as it was, Collins certainly couldnt deal with Albrighton whereas Huth was able to rag-doll him about and Stoke's fans are falling into the same trap as a number of other clubs before them (including blues to be fair) where they were loud when they first got promoted but poor in subsequent seasons once they became established in the top flight (that said they were loud at the end - to be expected i suppose)
  19. **** the pope. i live in frankley and if he inconveniences me theres gonna be a knock on
  20. i know its a fairly obvious one but ibiza, got back from there last week been there a couple of times now as well as magaluf, cancun, couple of greek islands and nowhere comes close not as expensive as people say either, cost us £200 for flights and accomodation and spent about £900-£1k in a week so not the end of the world
  21. warnock abysmal AGAIN needs to get back to playing as he did in his first 10 or so games , rather than the awful shite he has displayed in the 30/40 games since
  22. below the shite down the road in the league table for the first time in what seems like years lol
  23. warnock in being shit shock horror he was awful for much of last season (from January onwards id say), and has started this season in the same vein
  24. good news about jelavic, in the sense he looked very dangerous for Rapid before and also i think he will score plenty for Rangers if he joins (and then will proceed to throw a tantrum again and demand to move to a more prominent club like he has done here i'd imagine)
  25. not too bothered if we lose, would much prefer saturday games to sunday games so i am the reverse of you woodytom that said i wouldnt mind another couple of good aways in europe
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