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Everything posted by slowandlow

  1. **** embarrassing to be called off two years running. hopefully the **** get relegated and disappear into obscurity with all the other clubs who are getting games called off fairly regularly anyone know if you can get a refund on the trains!!! doubt it
  2. vital result, i thought we needed 4 points from the albion and wigan and we have 3 already, so we are doing alright hogg had a decent game - i don't think he will make it at the top level, but at least he always gives 100% which is more than can be said for some of the others over the past couple of weeks cuellar, hogg, downing and albrighton all get credit for me albrighton is such an important player for us - i don't know the stats but he must have 7 or 8 assists and about 3 or 4 goals at this stage of the season already. Such a shame he missed both games versus the **** blues
  3. stood on the holte in 91/92 and 92/93 when i was aged 6/7 and hated it, i was always moaning about wanting to sit in the posh seats in the nice stands lol would love to have terracing back now though
  4. we only got 34k against them a few years back - very few villa fans see this as a derby. maybe the great barr lot and people from over that way do, those who have to mingle with a lot of albion fans, but few others imo
  5. relegation a definite possibility imo some no doubt will call it a 'hit' just like the spurs, sunderland arsenal defeats were because err, err, hogg put his foot in well... in all seriousness: -hogg got stuck in well; -delfouneso looked sharp; -ireland had a short spell where he looked quite effective before reverting to his shell; -downing didnt stop trying - some poor balls in from wide tho. no credit for any of the others
  6. lol the last one aint to bad compared to your normal efforts, they're normally awful
  7. i didnt realise quinton was such a villa area? i thought it was mixed
  8. this is the way i see it with young and playing centrally shame really as he is far better out wide
  9. Gabby was drifting wide to pull their defenders out. The objective is to get Ashley or our other central players more space to create something. It fails for two reasons, and they are Ashley is useless in that central position, and our Midfield are two slow in supporting, hence the Ball gets passed back, instead of forward. Carew should have been used to batter their two central defenders, since they dominated. Houllier has a lot of thinking to do. if that is the case it should be young pulling wide leaving gabby in the middle, as gabby is far more effective centrally and Young is infinitely better out wide **** crazy tactic if from the manager, but it wouldnt suprise me if billy big bollox young was telling gabby to go wide more often as well, so he could stay in his favoured position
  10. Gabby is probably drifting wide cus Young is a selfish tw*t that spends too much time in the middle
  11. Young definitely thinks he is better than he is at the moment - he swans about doing what he wants playing in what position he wants, he needs someone to tell him to stop p1ssing about and get back in a proper position (preferably on the wing)
  12. Paul33 your mate has it pretty much spot on as far as i could see - it was obvious it would be blues on the pitch not villa given that they had won, WMP aint got a clue and i am 99% sure the red flare originated in our end - i didnt see any others mind.
  13. Houllier's style of play and Warnock cost us the second goal imo i haven't seen it on the tele since, but from when i was down there it seemed there goal came about 20 seconds after a free-kick in a dangerous position for us, and rather than throwing the ball into the box we decided to p1ss about with it with a short free-kick and tippy tappy passing - resulting in us losing possession, recovering it then Warnock giving it away again completely avoidable if we had just thrown it in there and hoped for the best, p1ssed off in the extreme
  14. as far as i know we threw the flare first it went back and forth a few times then one of their morons tried to throw it back to the villa again and threw it in his own crowd the retard lol didnt see any trouble after the game but we got a lift back off someone who had parked up by Small Heath Bridge so didnt have to go through Digbeth. Didn't see any trouble before either (when we did walk up through Digbeth). A bluenose mate was in the clements and said it got done over tho think WMP f*cked it up in general - dunno why they were concerned with villa getting on the pitch at full time - why would we want to when we had lost; they should have concentrated on keeping them lot off
  15. slowandlow


    ive heard different things - 1 mate who is mates with someone who works in the pub next to Briar Rose was told by the manager that The Troc, The Windsor, and his own pub was closing/not serving alcohol past 5, and that other pubs were following suit. He also said the german market would be dry then i saw someone else earlier who said he had spoken to the cops and it was down to each individual pub to decide whether to open/serve alcohol, and the german market was operating as normal so **** knows think we will just head into town at 4 and try and find somewhere to have a pint
  16. think we are going to get battered in midfield, but i don't think there is much we can do about that given the personnel we can choose from at the moment we will be very lightweight in there, and relying on Clark to do all the battling at least Gabby should be playing - he often seems to have a big say on derby days
  17. sounds like you missed the first half if you think downing played Left mid all game terrible first half, they could have been 4/5 up much improved second, but not enough we better not go into the game on weds with the same starting XI
  18. your probably right, but there has been a bit of a crackdown on people being p1ssed in the grounds all season, you used to be able to get in whatever state you were in providing you could walk but ive seen a few at away games get lifted for being drunk but not wrecked
  19. rather it be in Holland/Belgium or Spain/Portugal, summer holiday sorted then
  20. 500 coppers and over 50 riot vans, plus the dogs and spotters according to my mate in the feds, more than double what there is for normal derbies zero tolerance as well, gonna crack down on p1ssed up people and all sorts apparently and refuse entrance
  21. we just cut straight across the police line once the line went from coppers standing shoulder to shoulder to one every 5m or so, would have been well p1ssed if they messed us about like that
  22. how come you got stuck in a police cordon? we got away easily, no bother except for the usual object-throwing and a bit of pushing and shoving (mainly aimed at the police, and from both sides)
  23. not to me when i got mine the other day, but i didnt ask, maybe if you asked they would give you details?
  24. nah, it would be nonsense if they did, they could offer travel, but enforcing it would be a load of shite
  25. yeh they scored 4:17 or summat and there was 4 (minimum of) given p
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