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Everything posted by PieFacE

  1. It was just a load of people on Twitter getting together and making up stories. Then they forgot they made them up and started to believe their own stories.
  2. What's the point in two ethernets?
  3. PieFacE


    No I refuse to believe expectation to be too high for survival. The manager has completely failed if we do go down. Our squad is good enough to stay up, Lambert has made many tactical errors to put us into this position. I agree he needs backing now to stay up, but we shouldn't be in this position in the first place. That's down to Lambert.
  4. Surely if Warnock and Hutton both go out then we should be able to get someone in.
  5. I'd give pretty much every half decent player a rest for this game. No Nzogbia, Benteke, Vlaar. Would play Westwood as he should be quite fresh. Bent and Bowery to start. -------------------Given------------------ Licahj----Lowton-----Clark----Stephens -------Westwood-Ireland-Bannan------ -------------------Weimann----------- --------Bowery--------------Bent--------
  6. I think this could be a 4-0 to Newcastle. I really can't see where we're going to win a game again. I look at every fixture and think they will beat us. Depressing.
  7. Probably trying to find his client a new club
  8. This is where I stand too.
  9. Unfortunately as a supporter of the club I feel the need to actually support them by putting money into the club. That isn't a "better fan" comment, it's just simply how I view it. I'll be at Villa for the good times, and I'll be there for the bad time. These past 3 seasons are really testing that theory but I keep on going. As long as the people I go with continue to go, then I will. Because regardless of the final score, it's always a pretty decent day out.
  10. Yep Randy out. Though, I have no intention of protesting etc... But the guy has royally **** this club up.
  11. I have no idea who they are, but even so, i'm not inspired.
  12. Oh of course he would have seen that. I'm sure he was happy with it. After all he has already brought in what, 8 players without needing to sell them. If he had of managed to shift Warnock, Hutton & Dunne he would have more than likely bought more than 8 players in. How was he going to know that no one was going to sign the players we want to sell? Seeing as he managed to sell Collins why is it naive to think he wouldn't be able to sell Warnock or Hutton? They're equally as shit as Collins aren't they? It's pretty obvious we are working on a sell to buy policy when you consider the Collins/Vlaar saga. Lambert obviously knew this from the start and was happy he could offload some of these players. Unfortunately it hasn't worked out that way.
  13. Research into what? Trying to sell Villa's players when he was the Norwich manager????
  14. He probably agreed to it when becoming the Villa manager. He probably thought it would be a lot easier to shift some of the players we have. Randy probably said "you have x% of the revenue to spend on player wages. How you do that is up to you." That "x%" is probably considerably higher than what he had to work with at Norwich. So Lambert joins but soon realises he can't sell our players, so can't buy players, and Randy wont shift on his wage policy. Whilst in the long run we will be better off when the high earners do eventually leave, until their contracts run out they seem to be not going anywhere.
  15. Well last season we lost Young & Downing who I assume were on big money. We must have just replaced their wages with Given, Hutton and Nzogbia. Now because we can't sell anyone we can't buy anyone. I'm sure money is there to buy players, we just cant take any more wages on at the minute. Incredibly risky move by Lerner.
  16. This. Nothing compares to losing to the shite.
  17. Maybe they thought flights might be delayed due to snow? Just a guess.
  18. Why would Kendrick do that? Why would he piss off a club that give him info before other journos? EDIT: Damn you Gareth and your fast fingers.
  19. James Nursey ‏@JamesNursey Detect Lambert more inclined than ever to stick to his guns\policy post successful USA trip , with CEO Faulkner, to see #AVFC owner Lerner James Nursey ‏@JamesNursey Both Lambert's camp & #AVFC tell me Lambert, Faulkner & Lerner all getting on well with same vision so a sacking not on cards Looks like he's here for the season. Let's get behind him.
  20. Yeah, let's keep playing the shit players which will get us relegated and not purchase any good ones to keep us up. Smart logic.
  21. hahah i looked at his profile about 5minutes ago and he had 4000 followers, now he has 8000 haha.
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