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Everything posted by PieFacE

  1. England winning the world cup would be a dream for me, the buzz and excitement around the country would be immense Villa finishing fourth is no where near the same as England winning the world cup. Villa winning the Premier League or Champions League is a different matter, but just to actually finish 4th doesn't compete with winning the world cup. We're not that far away as it is! I'm a bit shocked at how many people have chose Villa to finish 4th over the massive party which would be England winning the world cup.
  2. Milner is a massive player. He will be for club and country. We'd be silly to not try and keep hold of him. If he wants to go it's a different matter, but there's no reason why we shouldn't offer him a pay rise and a 2year extension on his current contract, and build the squad around him.
  3. Yakubu would be a horrific signing! Totally disinterested, it's would be like another Carew permanently on a bad day.
  4. I was always hoping that scary black man who's in Fringe and Lost would be the same character in both series, and that the two series would combine. With the Fringe team investigating the island (and then probably get stuck there )... surely the island is classed as Fringe science, would have been brilliant if they had of connected the two in some way! Could have also been a better ending to lost, as Fringe is full of Alternate universes... could have explained the flashforwards/flashbacks a little better... instead of everyone being dead!
  5. Fringe is great! Entourage is also excellent Dexter is fantastic! Thanks for the tips guys... Breaking Bad Series 1 is "coming down" now! Ta!
  6. Where's Mystery Man with all of his ITK's? true or not, they were always an interesting read!
  7. I thought i read an article with MON saying he knew Milners agent very well?
  8. I could see James going to Man UTD if they come knocking. Quite frankly, i wouldn't blame him. I'd be a little gutted if he did go to Man City though, although i don't see it. As others have said, I think he likes knowing he'll be first team regular. I think the Barry situation was different, he just wanted out of Villa and wanted change. I don't think Milner is quite there yet. There's a lot for him to learn at VP. I hope he stays to learn it!
  9. I think Milner is worth more to us then 25m. If Man UTD are interested i'd want 30-35m Man City then 1b
  10. So is the event of the Tories and Libs forming a joint party realistic?
  11. Petrovs not great at anything. An average Premier League player. hahaha...
  12. Petrovs been the best player on the pitch! I will never understand the argument in Petrov goes missing, and those who dont rate him. He's been excellent again all season and has had an excellent half today. If only he put one of those shots away. We're not doing too badly, Gabby playing well. Downing and Ashley a bit quiet. Think get Carew off and give Heskey a blast, Gabby looks in the mood tonight, might be good for him to have some better link up play. Not sure we need to look to Carew for goals tonight.
  13. Kick Ass is hilarious, if you like the Superbad type of humour.
  14. I actually agree with AG. On most points. Had it been the opposite way round, we'd more then likely done the exact same as they did. Maybe not the Heitinger thing, but i'm unclear on that situation, and only he will know what really happened there.
  15. PieFacE


    I smoke, and I 'kin love it. Only smoke 3-5 a day tho, unless out on the piss! I enjoy it, relaxes me, breaks my day up, gets me out the office for 5mins! I understand people not wanting to smoke, or be around it, so stop telling me how much you hate it and feck off
  16. Anyone have any idea when Sky will announce if this is on TV? And is it still possible for it to move dates, or is it definitely on a Saturday now? Trying to book train tickets...
  17. 3 - 1 to Everton tonight i'm afraid. They'll go one up, we'll equalise quickly... have a massive midfield battle, 70+ minutes we'll go for it and concede two! Think it will be a cracking game. I really like Everton, and i really like our matches against each other....
  18. My hate for Spurs comes from many things, First one being they're above us in the league! Secondly, i can't stand Harry, not too arsed about his crimes, i just think he's a bit of a prick, i hate the way he speak so freely of other teams players during transfer window. I also hate Spurs purely because they're a cockney club, and the press wank over them all the time. Specially in the transfer window, it's so frustrating. I have a hate for every club in the league really bar Everton. Have a bit of a soft spot for them.
  19. Dunno, looked easier then it would have been. Must have saw it very late considering all the bodies infornt...
  20. Heskey has got to go off. Gabby to come on... just hit them on counter.
  21. Anyone watching on Sky Italia? Dunno who the commentators are but if they talk about Delaps throws being a good thing one more time i'm gunna actually chop his arms off myself...
  22. We need to get the ball on the ground and just keep it...
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