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Everything posted by trekka

  1. Manure 1-0 up. Ronaldo. Quite pleased (as pleased as somebody who detests both teams can be that is). Anyone but Chelsea (and err Liverpool obviously).
  2. Used to be a lager man but I'm firmly an ale man now. Do like the odd glass of Leffe mind.
  3. Would have gone for water in the poll but seeing as it's not in there, I do like a good glass of fruit juice in the morning.
  4. Valentine is done Here but now they're gone Romeo and Juliet Are together in eternity...Romeo and Juliet 40,000 men and women everyday...Like Romeo and Juliet 40,000 men and women everyday...Redefine happiness Another 40,000 coming everyday...We can be like they are Come on baby...don't fear the reaper Baby take my hand...don't fear the reaper We'll be able to fly...don't fear the reaper Say no more.
  5. All I can hear coming through my window is "blue army! blue army!" Shallap you pissheads!
  6. trekka


    Bleeeuuuurrrrrghhh! Can't stand asparagus.
  7. trekka

    Should i shave?

    When I'm interviewing, I like to see someone fairly smart if that's what the job requires, but lots of people wear stubble and that doesn't matter at all. I think when you ask this question you're focussing on the wrong thing really - you're not going to get a job because of the way you shave. You'll get it if you're honest, they think you can hack it and there ain't no-one they like better. Simple as. Problem is, as much as there are people (like yourself) who have the right attitude to it all and concentrate on what exactly is required for the job - there will be other people out there who will not be as impressed whatever answer you give. It all depends on the job and the interviewer but for the sake of a bit of stubble that I could grow back within a day or 2, I wouldn't take my chances to see what kind of interviewer I got if it's the job I really wanted. Take away any ammunition for them not to give you the job based on first impressions and you're halfway there.
  8. trekka

    Should i shave?

    I do hate shaving, don't get me wrong. In fact, when I don't have to attend meetings I tend to ignore it and shave on the weekend. I also suffer from irritation after so maybe I'll erm experiement with different oils and such. BUT for interviews and the like, you really must have a shave
  9. A recent one of me - no I'm not the Commander! I've put on weight :oops: Won't post any more of that sea experience though - don't think I'm allowed
  10. Rarely listen to the "wireless" nowadays - I often find myself browsing Shoutcast stations online though. MusicONE gets my vote
  11. trekka

    Should i shave?

    Well in that case if you really want the job - have a shave and dress to impress. If not then go wearing your jeans and trainers and don't worry what they think just as long as they don't think you're something you're not. It's a job end of the day - get your priorities right and lose the stubble for 1 day. Just my opinion. What job is it anyway? That could make a big difference.
  12. trekka

    Should i shave?

    If it's only thin stubble then shave it off and it'll grow back within no time. Personally speaking, if I was to interview someone and they hadn't shaved, I would probably think he hasn't made the effort. Might be the wrong opinion to have but then even when I have internal meetings at work, I always shave and wear a tie just out of respect - that includes meetings with people I usually see everyday.
  13. trekka

    Best Drummer

    It's clearly this fella
  14. Yep, Bristol is actually a pretty nice place. Would still like Palace to go up mind but Bristol would definitely be a grand day out.
  15. Nalin and Kane - Beachball. THE perfect song for a hot summer's day. Seems like it's been the hottest day of the year so far here in Pompey. I've gone from looking like a strawberry to looking like a beetroot!
  16. I listen to the Beatles, quite regularly in fact. I don't listen to the Beach Boys. Not saying they're better, just personal taste (how diplomatic of me ).
  17. When are we going to invite (and give an offer he can't refuse) to Tom Hanks, General? This picture just about tells it all!! (Thanks to TSV - GREAT site by the way). Also, many thanks to yourself and the rest of the Aston Villa family for such a wonderful season. Here's to many happy seasons ahead!
  18. TVR (that's Tequila, vodka and Red Bull to the uninitiated) = splendid. Red Bull on it's own = turd juice.
  19. General, I now live in Portsmouth and have recently noticed that Portsmouth FC have 3 high profile club stores from what I've found (that excludes any store at the ground itself). What I found surprising is that not only do they have 2 club stores in the city centre and large shopping centre but also outside of the city itself in Hampshire (Fareham to be precise!). Do Villa have any plans on something similar, expanding the coverage of the club store? I would imagine somewhere such as Redditch would benefit from a small club store and when you take into consideration our much larger fan base area it would make good sense to do so. I do find it surprising that a club such as Portsmouth with their much smaller fan base than ours would seem to have a much larger retail "output" (on the streets at least) - but please correct me if I'm wrong! Many thanks.
  20. A few from a day out in the Isle of Wight last weekend (it's 10 mins away from me on the Hovercraft...quality!). Lovely place, we only got to see Ryde and spent a few hours on the Steam Railway. No doubt, I'll be going again soon. Not the best pics by any means but it's just a snippet
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