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Everything posted by trekka

  1. What the hell is this commentator going on about? Managing the US? He's having a laugh.
  2. Ah bugger, Emile is done for the day . Albrighton on.
  3. "The great Martin O'Neill, one of the best in world football". Ooooh.
  4. GolTV, Mike. It's on the Veetle link posted above somewhere. "2 headers equals a goal? Not on this chance!".
  5. Brilliant isn't it During the World Cup, the commentators kept on calling David Beckham, David Becketts
  6. General, Congratulations to all at VP who have secured the services of Downing. In time, I think he will be a superb signing and will fit in nicely.
  7. i have to agree with this. Virgin Broadband is the best broadband. You get the speed they advertise, not like the rubbish through a BT line where it depends on how far you are from a server, and who else is using it in your street! on my 2mb service, i could regularly get speeds of 3-4mb. also, its a lot cheaper than Sky. People always forget with Sky you have to pay BT for a phone-line as well. Not with Virgin. Either your speed checker is wrong or you're confused. 2Mb service gets you 256Kb/s (or 0.25MB/s) maximum. It's also capped if you download a bit with their throttling.
  8. Although Virgin broadband is good, it's the capping that really gets on my tits. I ditched Virgin a while ago - I couldn't fork out the money for a "top" package, and now I'm with Be Unlimited (24 Meg download with no capping) for £17.50 a month and FreeSat (which includes BBC HD and ITV HD) for nothing. It's all a question about money though. If you have the money and want the top range of HD telly, including sport, then Sky is the only choice you should be making. I hear rumours of Virgin offering more HD channels soon but I doubt they're going to ever get Sky Sports HD.
  9. I'm so very happy to see you posting again, General. Welcome back!
  10. La Roux - I'm Not Your Toy (great tune!).
  11. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Zero (Glastonbury inspired)
  12. Watching C4 too I see . It's interesting stuff. Elephants can pump their entire volume of blood through their ears to cool down (within 20 mins... not all at once, obviously).
  13. Megan Fox is amazing. That is all.
  14. By eck, Nayson. I think I may pack in my job now (ignore my previous post) and begin my training as a sports photographer.
  15. No no, No no no no, no no no no... (there's no limit)
  16. Without posting an annoying one-worded answer in "this", I would have posted exactly what Sled has :nod: 8)
  17. Chelsea did what they had to do. Not pretty but it was effective and it was a great defensive display. I think they needed an away goal as I'm not so sure they can keep out Barca in the 2nd leg but they've done enough for now.
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