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Everything posted by trekka

  1. Fouled by Barry. Hmmm, brandy might be coming out sooner rather than later.
  2. Here we go then. Splatter-pans at the ready
  3. No, unfortunately not. It's a huge weekend for Randy over in the States so he can be forgiven
  4. That's pan-splatter material! ...and what a wonderful splatter it will be!
  5. Warming up for this with a bit of curry left over from last night and a can of Guinness. Fantastic. Roll on 1pm.
  6. A few of my photos disappeared (did a bit of re-arranging on the server!) so a few updated pics that seem to be no more. Just a few In Glacier National Park, Montana. In front of Mt. Rushmore. No, it's not Forest Gump. With Jimmy, the Navajo Guide in Monument Valley
  7. trekka

    Top Gear

    I'm with you Stevo, they seem fantastic! Who cares about parking when you can tie it to a tree!
  8. trekka

    Top Gear

    Anyone else find the bit when Clarkson was in the midget mobile hilarious? It reminds me of that episode of Simpsons when Nelson shouts Ha! Ha! to the lanky fecker in the mini...
  9. trekka (naturally) and the only game I have bought (downloaded) is Warhawk. I'm just a skinflint you see
  10. Disagree Ian, I suspect Mourinho would be the fans fav or even Wenger.
  11. Even BBC seemed to suggest McDonut should go on MOTD just. The knives are sharpening and tomorrow's reading in the papers should be "interesting".
  12. Barwick's secretary after being told to go hunt down Sammy Lee: "Fly my pretties, fly!" Sammy Lee after discovering the FA have made contact: "Courage! What makes a king out of a slave? Courage! What makes the flag on the mast to wave? Courage! What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist, or the dusky dusk? What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage! What makes the sphinx the seventh wonder? Courage! What makes the dawn come up like thunder? Courage! What makes the Hottentot so hot? What puts the "ape" in apricot? What have they got that I ain't got?"
  13. Well to be fair he should wait to see if we've qualified or not (to see if Russia all turn up to Israel with blue tongue for instance) as only when we've failed to qualify will he be sacked or by the magic "by mutual consent". Agree with Rob, he'll hold on as he isn't likely to walk away from a pay deal. Papers will have a field-day and I wouldn't be surprised to see this little number pop up again:
  14. Or even worse, an evil hot pizza that when you bite into it drags the hot topping off so it's a dangling burning piece of torture frazzling your lower lip/chin.
  15. trekka

    Top Gear

    Thought tonight's episode redeemed itself from last week. Amphibious cars are back...top stuff!
  16. Villa all the way. Anyone can support England when the time suits them (i.e. when World Cup starts) but not everyone who watch England can say they support Villa through the good and bad. This is where that banner makes perfect sense...AVFC the Obsession.
  17. trekka

    Top Gear

    For a Few Dollars More Ace film but Once a Upon a Time in the West is better, WHAT a film! Tonight was actually quite boring on Top Gear if I'm honest and don't get me wrong as I'm a huge TG fan but tonight seemed so erm, stale. Same old stuff and even the final breathtaking shot of that road in Italy was good but the build-up to it itself? Hmm not sure, it's just another rehash of an old ep with a different script to make it look like it's something different when in reality it's virtually the same thing or something very similar of something in the past. Breathtaking scenery though but some of the scripting etc was a bit suss and obviously dodgy (yes I know this is Top Gear and it's what it's all about but come on!), i.e. the dodgy hotel. Not a good start to the new series imo and was it me (and yes please forgive me but I missed the final 2 mins) but no mention of Colin McRae?).
  18. Laptop at home at the moment but it's a bit of a beast of a Dell XPS laptop that replaced my desktop. It can outdo most desktops and I have the benefit of using it where I please in the house. Oooh yeah!
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