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Everything posted by brommy

  1. Like Hogan, I think Lansbury went though a relatively brief period of playing well in a system that suited their play. Even if Villa played exactly to their strengths, I still think they are unlikely to regain their peak performances. We’re not the only club to do so, but we do have a habit of ‘buying high’ and then being surprised when average players don’t repeat what was simply a ”purple patch”.
  2. I think Bruce puts a high priority on a player’s availability to play and De Laet hasn’t had a good fitness/injury record in recent years.
  3. It reads like your aunt deserves all the trouble that might be coming her way! Are you ‘distant’ enough from that part of your family to be able to stand back and enjoy the fireworks’?
  4. It’s a bit better than £30k for 20 years as I’d invest what hadn’t been spent (eg £570k in year one, £540k in year two...). Probably get £30k per year for around 25 years or be able to take towards £40k in the latter of the 20 years.
  5. Why on earth didn’t your aunt keep the news to herself, especially knowing what her family would be like? Keeping it private would enable your aunt to occasionally treat individuals, as she thought was appropriate; after all she won the money, not them! Part of me hopes the win is on the smaller side just to spite her greedy family, but I suppose the best would be a big win and your aunt having the courage to donate nothing to anyone who asked. EDIT: I get on well with my parents and I’d be really pleased for them if they won £300k but I wouldn’t expect a penny. Anything given, even a simple meal out, would be gratefully received. I guess family dynamics vary greatly!
  6. My arse! Congratulation rjw63!
  7. Which is why I pick up from the station end of the monorail.
  8. ... that isn’t the drop off point next to the arrivals/departures but is a car park a quarter of a mile walk away. It’s still quicker and more convenient (especially with luggage) to hop on the free monorail.
  9. Definitely agree with bickster - make them wait. Even with a 45 minute drive, I’d be at home waiting for the call when the luggage carousel started to spit the first of the flight’s suitcases. Then they’ve probably got just a 15 to 30 minute wait after their physical needs break and walk to the pick up point. Better than you paying ridiculously high parking charges when you’re the one providing the favour.
  10. 20 minutes from BHX for me and since they’ve started charging, even for a 30 seconds pick up or drop off, I meet my family at Birmingham International train station after their 3 minute ride on the free monorail from the airport.
  11. brommy

    John Terry

    Even as someone who is ambivalent about Terry’s return, I think January is an exaggeration. Possibly if an inexperienced player had sat on his arse for the last 3 months, but a player with Terry’s experience who had also been keeping physically fit over the summer, should be up to his speed/sharpness in a few weeks. Whether the best speed/sharpness a 38 year old JT can muster is good enough remains to be seen.
  12. No travel to the UK shouldn’t be a problem but no travel to the rest of Europe might be a hassle for their remaining lives. Ideally the rest of the world would follow suit so at least they would be confined to Russia for the next 30 to 50 years but I assume many non European countries will turn a blind eye to this state sponsored murder and assault, despite that it could easily happen to their citizens. Sanctions will have a limited effect but will be no consolation to the family of Dawn Sturgess and all the others who were injured and/or affected.
  13. Towels are particularly bad when new as many are treated during the manufacturing process to make them feel softer; unfortunately this reduces their absorbency. For more absorbent (but less soft) towels, wash them without fabric conditioner.
  14. I know there are many on VT who have no time for Bruce but I’d still recommend listening to his pre-match press conferences to hear who is injured or who is in contention to play. Bruce said he hoped Bolasie would be available after the international break.
  15. They aren’t missing opportunities for great documentaries. They are not wasting time and money exploring a myth that is just a myth. It’s more interesting for some to believe in untruths than know it’s a wooded area with birds and no ghosts in.
  16. True story which captures powered walkways and Usain Bolt: My wife and I were walking through Kuala Lumpur airport towards our departure gate after a South-East Asia holiday in March 2017 when we heard the beep of an electric kart approaching from behind us. Sitting at the back of the kart was the giant figure of Usain Bolt. I think I was a bit ‘star struck’ because I immediately pointed at Usain and exclaimed to my other half “Look, look, that’s Usain Bolt!”. Usain smiled, safe in the knowledge he would soon be overtaking us and avoid any further awkwardness; except, just as his electric kart drew along side us, travelling at about twice our walking pace, my wife and I joined a powered walkway which instantly doubled our walking speed to the same speed as Usain’s electric kart. Usain laughed - presumably at how awkward he felt at being locked at the same pace adjacent to each other for the best part of a minute. Eventually I think I felt a bit awkward too because I finally stopped staring. Usain had the speed advantage at the gate security because he was ushered to the front of the the queue whilst we had to wait for a couple minutes. Credit to the security staff though, because we noted that Usain was scanned and his passport checked as thoroughly as the rest of us. Usain and I were both in business class on our return to Heathrow - he might be the fastest human in the world but I could stretch out more!
  17. ...and yet he’s worth a mere £3m less than our Jack. ?
  18. Yes. I can see him looking across to another training pitch. He’s looking puzzled and scratching his head so Jedinak must be playing centre half.
  19. Likely we are negotiating the difference of over £1m of his wages. Better for the club, even if it mean so he misses one match.
  20. Believe me, it’s not just Americans who snigger at Australian men talking about how they wear women’s skimpy underpants!
  21. How low would you accept a release clause if it meant Jack not signing and losing him for free?
  22. How low would go on his release clause if it meant Jack not signing a new contract and leaving for free?
  23. The club could try but I don’t think Jack will sign a contract with a release clause above £30m. If I were the new owners, I would push for £30m and accept a minimum of £25m. Anything like £20m or less and I think the club would rather keep Jack on his relatively ‘low’ wage even if it meant leaving for free in 2 years. A question for us VTers, regarding Jack possibly refusing to sign a new contract with a decent release clause, if you were the club, how low would you go? I’ll start with £25m in this division, £50m if Jack is good enough to help get us promoted.
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