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Everything posted by paddy

  1. Got to be Stalin, good to see most people agree.
  2. Hi General, Have you looked into a queueing system? Or a ring back system to save people having to sit pressing redial over and over again. If you could have a system on the phone that told you what position you were in the queue I think most people would rather have that. If they were too far back, they could decide to call later, but it would mean it when you got through wasn't down to chance. Not sure there's technology that allows this but it might be worth looking into? As it happens I was lucky, got through on about my 5th attempt, so no complaints from me really. Do you know how many tickets are sold, presumably it's almost sold out already?
  3. Hi General, Not a major concern compared to most on here but I don't suppose you ever found that photo of the two of us and some of the players did you? I'd really like a copy if you know where it might be found, but I realise this is unlikely. Keep up the good work. Paddy
  4. Yeah I did spot your quote really. You're still not as loved as this comment though, which is +5 Better luck next time.
  5. What was your comment Nays? Was it this one? Which, quite incredibly, has a 'rating' of +2 :shock: Anyway the reason I came to this thread is that I was sat here doing some work when Coffee and TV by Blur came on my mp3 player. Now for no apparent reason, I know that that is Chris Coleman's favourite song. I really don't have a clue why I know that, but I do.
  6. Used to be pretty negative, now I'm mainly positive.
  7. Would love Newcastle to go down, Blues are a nothing club, and they know it, they'll go down soon enough, Newcastle are a nothing club but they don't know it. This will put them in their place, remove any feeling of grandeur they (for no apparent reason seem to) have. I'm glad to see most people seem to share my point of view.
  8. Bognan - Tiken Jah Fakoly Anyone listened to these before? Someone recommended them to me and I've been very impressed, it's African dub, not something I'd listened to before.
  9. Sorry to break this to you but they're already out :winkold:
  10. Hi General, Was just wondering if you'd considered trying to get a tv show in China in the way that Chelsea are starting, if you hadn't heard about it you can read a bit about it by clicking here. Not so much as a way of getting new players, but just to spread the name of the club around the World, it's a fantastic way to get our name known by even more people around the world. And maybe not China, as Chelsea already have a show, but how about trying to do it in India or somewhere like that? Anyway it's just an idea that I wondered whether you'd considered. I'm sure you have actually as you seem to think of most things...
  11. paddy

    Do you read?

    I bought that but not got round to reading it yet, worth a read then I assume? I'd read Yes Man, and it's a similar principle so though I might enjoy it, at the moment I'm reading "The Ball is Round" which is a good read so far.
  12. Tried to post this earlier but it still seems to be here as I get in. So... Surely no matter which way you look at something doesn't affect which way it rotates? The Earth rotates anti clockwise, so surely by looking at the planet we can work out which way it rotates?
  13. Thanks mate, my life ends on Saturday then does it? Great!
  14. 21 here too. 22 on Saturday (I expect presents)
  15. You know what, this season I'd rather Newcastle went down. Usually this wouldn't be the case but I'd just love to see "king" kev get them relegated. Not going to happen... but it would be funny.
  16. Another verse for the McGrath chant... Last orders my lord, Ten more pints, Last orders my lord, Ten more pints Last orders, my lord Ten more pints, Oh lord, ten more pints.
  17. Yeah I heard that the other day, was quite good, though I couldn't fully make out the words. Quite like your rewriting of it.
  18. He's alright, but there isn't that option, so I'll refrain from voting.
  19. paddy

    Flag Vote

    I voted for 2. I'd be surprised if 4 picked up any votes.
  20. Think I might have the answer to this, I'm pretty sure the bus from Bromsgrove goes from the bus station (the bit by Iceland) and not the train station. Fairly sure I'm right on that one.
  21. Not sure if you've noticed this General, but someone on here pointed out the other day that as of today (12th January), we've already won as many games as last season. Now if that isn't a sign of progress I don't know what is.
  22. Portsouth have money now though, that's the difference, they'll be alright, they'll probably slip a bit though which is nice. I'd love to see the 'toon army' turn on Redknapp.
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