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Everything posted by paddy

  1. That was my first thought when I read this, no-one deliberately overdoses on ecstasy, or I wouldn't have thought so, I imagine accidental deaths from ecstasy are far higher than accidental deaths from asprin.
  2. Yep. Ex-Blackburn and West Ham now at Fulham. :winkold: Brilliant.
  3. Another from that thread Stay now stay now stay now stay now... Mellberg if you've got to go away I don't think I can take the pain Won't you stay another day Oh, we know that this sounds weird But we love you and your beard Won't you stay another year
  4. Believe me General, and I think I speak for all Villa fans here, we would MUCH rather "win ugly" than "lose pretty". If anyone came away from the game today feeling disappointed (and was a Villa fan) I'll be amazed. Obviously winning and playing like Brazil is brilliant, and is the ultimate aim I suppose, but lets leave that until we're winning every game, winning is what's important, the 4-4 with Spurs earlier in the season was great for the neutral I'm sure, but ask any Villa fan and we'd have taken a hard fought 1-0 win from a set piece goal. Maybe it's just me, but I doubt it.
  5. Any idea how many points we scored in 2007 and how that compares to 2006? Not sure if that will be an interesting stat or not, but it could be.
  6. Great post, puts everything into perspective, since I fell ill I appreciate every morning, I still hate getting up.... but I love every morning!
  7. To the tune of Reef - Put Your Hands On, simply - Stilyan Petrov, Stilyan Petrov, Stilyan Petrov, Stilyan Peeeeeeeeeeeeeetrov
  8. To the tune of Get Your Hands off my Woman - The Darkness Stilyan Petrov is Bulgarian, really bad person... I apologise.
  9. paddy

    Top Gear

    Same, I enjoyed it too.
  10. You can believe what you want, just because I think that what you believe isn't true (and that's not just your "cult" it's ALL religion), doesn't mean you shouldn't believe it, that's certainly not what I'm saying. I know religion has helped a lot of people, a mate of mine managed to give up drugs when he "found" God, it's been brilliant for him, probably saved his life. This makes religion a valid thing, it doesn't make any of the beliefs true though.
  11. Hi General, Just to let you know I'll FINALLY be making my long awaited return to the Holte End for tomorrow's game against Man City, the first time in over a year, last time was the 3-1 loss to Man City last season. Thanks for your help over the past year, I actually got to see more football than I have for a good few years and that was mainly down to you, so I can't thank you enough for that, really made a difference to what was quite a miserable time in my life. I can't wait to be back in the Holte End tomorrow, the wait has been far too long, now I can actually start giving something back to the club rather than just sponging off you! I remember saying last Christmas that I hoped it wasn't my last, and (touch wood...) it wasn't, I'm feeling great and looking forward to a thumping win tomorrow, hope you and the Krulaks have a great Christmas are you having a large family get together? Look forward to seeing you back over in the UK soon, hopefully with a fully functioning back and everything! Paddy
  12. I thought of music, which is great and a big part of my life (play 3 instruments) and think about the amount I listen to the radio, I'd be unbelievably gutted to lose the ability to do those things but compared to.... Being able to get around the house easily Cooking Eating Drinking Seeing what was in the cupboard Crossing the road Using a computer The list is almost endless. I can't think of anything I've done today which hasn't involved my sight, even when I went for a crap I had to see where the bathroom was...
  13. Can you tell us what, or when?
  14. Absolutely brilliant, we've talked about doing something similar for the radio show we're presenting in the new year, can easily make a couple of them a week. what radio show are you presenting paddy? what is it you do for a living? It's just student radio, just a hobby really, not planning on getting a job in that area, one of my mates does lots of stuff on there so me and 3 mates are starting to do a friday night one in the new year, 7-9pm something like that. I'll post a link if we do it so you can all listen.
  15. was she hot? :winkold: Not at all.
  16. I watched this, such a ridiculous thing. If you predict the apocalypse you set yourself up to be laughed at. If it happens no-one is going to be able to say what a genius he is, but every time he's wrong he's just going to look like an idiot. Quite a disturbing program, at one point they asked this girl about whether she'd been brainwashed, "yes, Michael has washed my brain of all it's sins", YOU'RE A BUNCH OF MORONS!!!!!! :evil: It wound me up quite a lot as you can see, but it was amusing in parts.
  17. Hi General, Just wondered what breaks there are for students, can't find anything about it on the OS. Is it just season ticket holders or is there a discount for 'normal' tickets? Just wondered as I'm hoping to make my long awaited return to the stands for the game against Man City. Hope your back's ok. Thanks
  18. Love that, seen it before but always deserves another watch.
  19. Fantastic result General, hope you got to see it, Ash's goal inparticular was a bit special and you could see how much it meant to him (and Marlon later on). This was meant to be my first away game back today but the trains weren't on my side unfortunately, still got to see it though and it was another fantastic performance from the lads.
  20. I heard a Scottish fan talking about McLeish on Radio 5, he referred to blues as the 6th biggest club in the midlands
  21. Another great win today General, did you manage to see it?
  22. I've always liked the idea of an Ashley Young chant to the tune of Forever Young by... was it Rod Stewart? Not sure.
  23. Absolutely brilliant, we've talked about doing something similar for the radio show we're presenting in the new year, can easily make a couple of them a week.
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