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Everything posted by paddy

  1. Got to be Zep. I had to delete a lot of their stuff off my mp3 player recently, but only because I had about 600meg of their stuff. Says it all really.
  2. I went for Palace. The team who finish 3rd win the playoffs in the Championship so rarely. Palace are the form team and... well it'll be them.
  3. ****************************WARNING, DON'T READ THIS JOKE IF YOU'RE EASILY OFFENDED *************************** What's the difference between a train carriage and a miscarriage? You can't eat a train carriage. *********************************************BUT THE ONE BELOW IS FINE ****************************************************** What's brown and sticky? A Stick What's brown and runny? Dwain Chambers
  4. Simply: "Barry for Villa!" Or nicked from the Mellberg idea: "Gareth if you've got to go away I don't think I can take the pain Won't you stay another day? Barry if you want us all to cheer up, Stay and lead us into Europe, won't you stay another day? Or alternative lyrics would be: Oh don't leave us for the scousers, They will only rob, your houses,
  5. If they think Jermaine Pennant is worth £7m we need to wring every last penny out of them for Barry. I realise that we may lose him, thought I'm far from resigned to it, but if we do sell him, but if we sell him we need to get an amount that will enable us to buy an equally good, if not better player. I don't know why I'm saying this really, I'm sure you're well aware of his value and that you won't be letting him go cheaply. And if we do get rid of him you will spend the money to replace him with another world class player. Don't let us down General, I'm sure you won't.
  6. Luke has more natural talent, no doubt about it, but he's wasted it. He'll probably play for a lower premiership side one day again, but he'll never be as good as he could have been.
  7. Without wishing to speak for the General... Unfortunately Spain, Holland and Portugal can pick them up way before we can because of the work permit issues. Which is why I assume we don't do it.
  8. Have you ever dragged Mrs. Krulak to a game General? Or has she ever shown any interest in Villa? If not you should get her into the Holte End for a game, then she'd understand what it's all about!
  9. To the tune of the conga: Imagine, If we had a right back Imagine, Just how good we'd be Repeat.
  10. Solihull's new (ish) shopping centre would probably make a good spot for one too, is it called Touchwood or something?
  11. At Swedish football matches if there's a chance, where we would go "oooo" in England, they make a sort of "eeee" sound. That looks wrong now I've written it but I'm sure I remember it.
  12. More than 14 million sandstone blocks make up the pyramids which were originally covered in limestone. This isn't because the limestone was stolen butit was used by the native egyptians as building material.
  13. Wrong thread mate, that's actually reasonably interesting! This on the other hand, is totally useless, Gabby take note if you think your playing most minutes of last season was impressive: Sandy Pate was an ever-present for Mansfield for six seasons, during 1969-75. He was captain of the club and played in midfield.
  14. Hi General, Glad you enjoyed the game as much as the rest of us, your story sent a shiver down my spine. Keep up the good work. Just to add to the Swedish flag idea, I think I'm right in saying that it's the first day for the giant Villa flag in the Holte so how about giving it to a section of the Doug Ellis stand, not the away fans obviously (not that Wigan will bring many), just the rest, so long as its full of course, or it would look ridiculous. Thanks again for Sunday, it was fantastic. Keeping up the average of 5 goals a game would be just what the doctor ordered!
  15. Yeah class fits better than fast actually.
  16. I love the pass the dutchie one. But how about this to the tune of Forever Young by Alphaville
  17. Hi General, Hope you enjoyed your first derby game, mind you, if you didn't you'll never enjoy one as it doesn't get much better than that! I had a great time, was in the north upper, don't think you made it up there but maybe I was too engrossed in the game. Future is certainly looking bright, you know we've now scored 4 (I think) more than Arsenal did last season. Progress is certainly being made, make sure you thank Martin and Randy for all their hard work.
  18. Stealing another Liverpool song? Ja-vier Mas-cher-a-no-ooo just heard it on youtube for the first time, sounds good, probably better than the Ash, Ash Ashley Youngung, scan but still be good. I was thinking about this earlier, definitely fist best with Reo-Coker. Niiii-gel Reo-Coker, Niiii-gel Reo-Co-o-o-ker
  19. I know it could happen, I don't think it will, but like you say, there is a chance, as they have tough games coming up, so lets go for it. Make sure we get a good win today first though.
  20. Althought I don't think we'll catch Everton anyway I want Blues to win as it gives us an outside chance.
  21. You think? I think the money will be there, but I really can't see O'Neill buying that many. I'd say 3-4.
  22. They're a horrible horrible company, I remember when Villa sold tickets through them, used to charge all sorts of ridiculous fees and frequently messed up orders, it's been much better since it's been in house.
  23. I'm convinced the money is there, if it wasn't I'm sure MON would at least hint at it, there's no reason he'd let himself take the flack otherwise.
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