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Everything posted by paddy

  1. I used to play football in the playground at school with someone who now plays professional football in League 1. I have a friend who is descended from Lord Admiral Nelson. I was once desperate to be sick but someone was using the toilet. Turned out to be Jimmy Page.
  2. I think that's my favourite so far. I once pulled a girl whose greatest claim to fame was that she'd pulled Danny Simpson (I think that's his name, the manyoo player).
  3. My brother won some competition on Newsround that meant he interviewed the 2 main candidates (Major and Blair). Randomly he also got to meet Betty Boothroyd.
  4. I once took a parking space that Andy Johnson (the Albion midfielder) had just pulled out of. My Dad's car used to be owned by Damien Hurst. Andy Gray's daughter went to my primary school for about a year. I'll never forget Andy Gray walking into our classroom when they were being shown round. Most of the lads jaws hit the floor. And I never knew that about Shakatak (him being close to John Peel). His niece lives there now, which is an even more rubbish claim to fame. I have just remembered that when I was little he bottomed out his Ferrari on our driveway (which is shared with the next door neighbours), which was quite funny. No doubt caused thousands of pounds worth of damage to the underneath.
  5. What a coincidence, so did mine! I think you'll find the story was actually that he told him he'd never make it as a professional footballer. He'll never live that one down! Another rubbish claim to fame is that my ex next door neighbour's brother was the keyboard player in 80s (I think) band Shakatak.
  6. What a coincidence, so did mine! I think you'll find the story was actually that he told him he'd never make it as a professional footballer. He'll never live that one down! Another rubbish claim to fame is that my ex next door neighbour's brother was the keyboard player in 80s (I think) band Shakatak.
  7. If you've got a good claim to fame then this thread is not for you. I want really rubbish ones. I was going to call this tedious claims to fame, but I think most claims to fame are tedious anyway, so I want really rubbish ones. Like you once bought a dog off Victor Ubogu's postman, something like that. I'll start you off with 2 of mine: My Dad's cousin once made national news because she conceived her son on the Cerne Abbas Giant with the help of a druid (not sure exactly what he did other than just sat and watched...), because she was struggling to get pregnant. I live just around the corner from where JRR Tolkien's mother is buried. So come on, lets have some of your rubbish claims to fame. Did anyone date someone who made a 3 second appearance as an extra on Emmerdale?
  8. Hi General, I didn't realise you were away when I posted my question, so I'll just post it again as you probably won't go back far enough to read it
  9. word removed fits better, heard Chelsea singing it at Phil Neville last season. 'Barry Barry you're a word removed you're a word removed and you'll always be a word removed you'll always be a word removed Barry Barry' That was fantastic, the commentators were being drowned out by it but obviously couldn't make any comment. To the tune of 7 Nation Army (dependent on how Delfouneso is actually pronounced) Nath-an-Del-Fou-Ne-So Fit quite nicely.
  10. I'm listening to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoSL_qayMCc, its been stuck in my head ever since I watched the film a week or so back. Love this song (and the film).
  11. Hi General, Was just wondering if you knew the proper pronunciation for Delfouneso? The guy on AVTV goes for Delfonso, but I've heard others go for Del-foo-nay-so. Do you know the way it's supposed to be pronounced? Or could you find out for us, as no doubt he'll be making his debut this season so it'd be good to know his name! I remember when Darius Vassell came through there was some confusion and this one is far more difficult! Thanks Paddy
  12. I'm going back to New Zealand tomorrow General (I lived there for a year when I was 18). I'm back 9th July, just in time to see us start off on our (hopefully lengthy) European adventure. I look looking forward to coming back on here every now and then to see who the Daily Star has made up that we're going to sign, and hopefully some real news of transfers too. Keep up the good work while I'm away. I had some more scan results the other day by the way, and again they were clear, which was nice. Are you going to have any time for a holiday this summer?
  13. It is indeed Ebb-utt. But no pause obviously, I was just showing how to pronounce it. The amount of people who read my name as E-but, is ridiculous. Twice I heard my name spoken today (people calling my name in hispital for the appointment and at the desk), both got it wrong.
  14. Only until the operation :winkold:
  15. Not now I've got a beard! Owen: Have you been spying on me?
  16. My surname is Ebbutt, how would you pronounce it? It seems pretty simple to me, but most people get it wrong.
  17. General, although this was anticipated it's great to see it confirmed. I got a text (that's an sms to you :winkold:) from an Ipswich Town fan who said that this confirms Villa as his second favourite team and finished his message with "I love Randy". It's great to see people taking notice of our club again and seeing us in a purely positive way. Keep up the good work. I assume this was the plan anyway but I think it would be a sensible move to have a permanent banner on the OS with a link for how to donate to Acorns, just to keep it at the fore-front of all of our minds. I know there's a link in the story on there, but a permanent banner advert would surely help the flow of donations.
  18. The reason that rat and mouse poison works is because they can't be sick.
  19. Yeah and Manyoo won it this year in one stripe.
  20. I used that fact only 2 days ago when discussing with my Dad why Villa shouldn't go back to a striped shirt. I said it was in the 50s though, didn't realise it had been that long.
  21. That's quite a famous one Xann and as far as I'm aware it's true, not seen it done though.
  22. Not that we can exactly claim to be brilliant against Doncaster...
  23. I thought that was a myth? Most are but not all apparently.
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