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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. So many people reply constantly to him it's pointless.
  2. Got tackled or gave the ball away in hideous areas so many times. Engels will get the headlines but as a team we were very poor today defensively.
  3. He'll have had a right stonker on when Son was running in for the winner there. Been derailing threads for a long time.
  4. It's the whole shape of the team that makes us so open. We have a really high line and a midfield that struggles to press the ball. I don't think Smith likes this 343, I don't think he knows where he stands with anything outside of 433 honestly. The midfield is totally overrun all the time. If we get rushed, which we hardly did today, we get battered and can't get on the ball. It's hard to tell if he's good enough when he's been given the standard of player he has to make a premier league side. He's going to have a hell of a job lifting the team after this. Very similar to arsenal game that. They had no interest in winning that and we handed it them. Early missed chances just as bad as Engels error.
  5. Played pretty well overall. Don't know what that was though. We should have been 3-0 up, that's not Bjorn's fault.
  6. Need to get him off. I admire his willingness to show for the ball but he immediately becomes terrified and gives it away.
  7. Dier is unquestionably in the team to boot Grealish.
  8. Would you look at that bench. Good grief.
  9. Tyrone injured. Marv dropped.
  10. If we go down I think £60m is a good price to get for him. We're not being battered and only getting pittance. My worry is that the bidding will start at £30m and be hovering round £45m for most of summer. It's an absolute bargain for whoever pays it. If we stay up, we don't need to sell. It'll be eye watering. £80m minimum.
  11. Yes I know but it didn't happen for whatever reason and it was an absolute disaster. So poor from Suso, Purslow, Smith, whoever thought they could give it a go with one new striker. I think we'd have more points if we'd have had Samatta all season instead of Wes. Wonder how it all broke down for this to happen? It's not even like a deal collapsed late on, we had everyone in two weeks before the start of the season. There was obviously £10m hanging around for a striker as well. If we go down, and being the bell I am I think we will, that has hurt us so much. It hasn't given us a chance even, over half a season without a striker.
  12. Have they got one coming?! They're in huge danger then. Players totally downed tools after Monk had a go at them a few weeks ago.
  13. I'd start Engels, The Drink and Trez in the debatable spots. Don't want Smith being silly and bringing Elmo in even though Fred was poor last match. Fred gives us so much more all round.
  14. I would very much like him to be in our squad if we go down.
  15. Sure, not a problem. You're not going to poo poo them though are you? We could have signed Robert Skov for the same price as Trez, or if you want some change, Ludovic Blas or Mikkel Damsgaard for half the price. Aaron Mooy for £3m looks like one of the bargains of the season for Brighton to me. He'd have been nice. Youssouf Fofana was available this summer and has since gone to Monaco. Ibrahim Sangare is someone who will be on the move soon with Toulouse going down. Either of those two offer much more on the ball than Marv. Hoping Samatta can have us asking why we didn't sign him instead of Wes in the Summer when he keeps us up.
  16. Absolutely he would, and he wouldn't have had to play particularly well either. You surely aren't just looking at 5>0 and thinking he's better? Genuinely surprising someone could be in the wrong place as often as Wes when he's on the pitch so much. Just one example though. All we needed was an average striker and they'd given the team infinitely more than Wes' negligible offering.
  17. No, no, that didn't count because... Smith just isn't up to it He's really lacking recently tbh. Sir Gary Cahill's Grealish takeover has pee'd all over his goblin chips. Excited to see what he comes up with next. I can only see more of the same droning when we lose to spurs. He's in trouble if we get points!
  18. Ings would have been great but there's many many average players we could have brought in who would have done much more for us. We could have signed Jay Rodriguez for £5m and we'd have been miles better off. Or Che Adams who has a mighty zero goals for Southampton, he'd have produced more than Wes.
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