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Everything posted by sidcow

  1. I'm sorry those figures are clearly wrong. Everyone knows we are operating on a sell to buy basis so that Xia doesn't have to go back to Samuelson to borrow more money.
  2. This show is utterly appalling. I mean people used to moan about MOTD but that looks like a multi Oscar winning Hollywood blockbuster compared to this. They don't give any game more than a minute or two. It's like being last on MOTD when you are the feature game. I guess this is the problem with a 1hr show filled with adverts to cover 20 odd games. Pundits are dreadful, really really bad. I used to quite like the BBC football league coverage with Manish. They have sold their souls for a few extra quid from channel 5 but cheapened their brand.
  3. OMG OMG OMG. Just looked at the table and we have a POSITIVE goal difference!
  4. Very pleased with all the signings so far and happy with the future links. Seems to know exactly what was needed. Glad we're not going to exotic sounding unknowns from France, Italy etc but going for players who have done it in England already and many of them in teams promoted from the Aston Villa founded football league. When discussing the suitability of RDM for the job in hand at this club as a lot of people did question his appointment, you do have to remember that he has previously promoted a team so he knows what he's doing alright.
  5. Some people in the transfer thread when we were first linked said he would be a Darren bent who scores goals and nothing else. Great set up for Gestade today!
  6. And also the hand made tiling at the top of the Holte is both very classy and I suspect in modern football stadiums totally unique, really something to be proud off. Then compare and contrast the nasty cheap gas lamp which never works outside the Holte Suite. Almost perfectly sums up the difference between the early and late years of his tenure.
  7. No, that would be a freaking MASSIVE tear obviously.
  8. I thought it was New York City....Rotherham you say?
  9. Yay, finally I can watch Match of the Day.... Oh...
  10. That's it really isn't it, nothing more needs to be said. Anyone who doesn't want a player who played the whole season in a team promoted as champions from the league we are trying g to get out and the fans of that club rate him as an important part of that squad. . If you don't want him you have to be mad.
  11. Yes things can change and go wrong. Doesn't mean it will with Tony just enjoy the moment!
  12. I think I have one of those special little tears.
  13. Why would you not want a right back who played almost every game for a team who were promoted out of this league as champions? I have seen a few people say this and it genuinely baffles me.
  14. Tony Xia is about to sell one for about £800m profit to be used to help fund next year's PL campaign. I've seen the cheque.
  15. Just mentioned in the match thread that I can't recall the last time I watched a villa game where at some point there wasn't any panic moments between the centre backs trying to rescue a disaster.
  16. Mention it to Dr Xia, next week there will be a phalanx of small Phillipino boys wandering round the catering areas armed with silver knives ready to carve up any quality pies into the bite-sized chunks of your choosing.
  17. I literally cannot recall the last time I watched an Aston Villa game and there was at no point in the game some kind of panic between the centre backs scrambling around trying to rectify a disaster.
  18. Take 1 Tommy Elphick, add water. Instant hero. What's with the butting the post repeatedly? Makes him look like a total mad man, psyching out the opposition perhaps? It's like a berserker or something, absolutely brilliant. I always love players who try and gee up the crowd anyway but he does it all the time. . Captain fantastic indeed, exactly what we needed, can't imagine why Bournemouth let him go, could be a fatal error for them.
  19. I have been highly critical of him and am happy to eat my words today. Also it certainly gives food for thought, if we can find someone who can consistently put in good crosses maybe he is the man. . However one game doesn't make a season but he deserves full plaudits today.
  20. I should probably put this in the IT thread really, I am sure Limpid can help but my phone seems to be broken. . The screen keeps showing Aston Villa 3. Anyone got any ideas what might be wrong?
  21. He's clearly a total fraud. Went to Rome in a FORD MONDEO? . Actually thinking about it that must mean he is filthy stinking obscenely rich. An ordinary billionaire would go in his Lamborghini or private jet or yacht. You have to go clear through the other end of rich into eccentric territory. His second car is almost certainly a battered 1974 Landover. Mondeo is the day to day runaround.
  22. Yes but Lerner was just a rich spoilt brat who realised he was frittering away the money his father had earned and handed to him with his incompetent in not knowing how to use his toy properly so he threw his toy aside before finally putting it on eBay to at least regain some of daddy's money. Xia is a self made man and made of sterner stuff. He is building a brand and an empire here and he clearly understands the role of social media in the modern world and is using it to reinforce that brand. Methinks if something starts to go wrong he will change and work at it instead of shutting bis eyes and ears and shouting wah wah wah
  23. I am pleased with who he has signed and the players we are being linked with. Seems to understand what the issues are and what is needed to fix our broken squad. Shame we couldn't have done it all earlier but these things take time.
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