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Everything posted by sonic_bouma

  1. simply a feeling of deflation..... i cannot get my head around how an intelligent man like MON could ever put our season in such jeopardy as he has this summer.... i am his biggest defender but im struggling to see how he cant be blamed for the state of our performances at the moment.... in less than a week we could be bottom of the league after being stuffed by Plop and out of Europe......... we were totally inept tonight Guzan - 7 - did nothing wrong, couple of solid saves Beye - 6 - got forward well unfortunately at times when Milner couldnt thread it through to him Cuellar - 6 - buffoon like in his play, jumping too much in to tackles Davies - 6 - see Cuellar, scarily similar in their cackness Shorey - 7 - got forward well, our best defender, put some decent crosses in, put still displayed poor control and passing at times Young - 4 - so much ability so little end product, petulant and turning into a whiny bitch, South Africa my arse Milner - 7 - how can you criticise a man who as a winger is also at times your best defender, saved a certain goal with a block and got forward well also - a shining light in our dire team. Sidwell - 4 - offered nothing, doesnt tackle, doesnt get forward, cant pass, just rounds around half assed Gardener - 4 - see Sidwell NRC - 7 - he gets a 7 coz Milner aside he looked like the only guy who gave a shit, good vocally and ran his socks off, with petrov and delph beside him instead of the turd that is Sidwell and Gardener he will thrive Heskey - MONs bum boy, he was good at Leicester MON but FFS let it go, he's shit, he didnt even hold the ball up tonight with his poor touch letting him down, will score 5 goals maxthis season and encourages long ball play...its MONs fault for playing him MON - 1 - MON has the ability and potential to be the greatest manager to have ever bossed AVFC but for some reason he isnt giving himself that chance and he seems intent on being the creator of his own downfall
  2. we are awful...just simply awful....... we look disorganised, bereft of any creativity or ideas, we look annoyed, we look petulant, we look frightened and we have nobody who can take a game by the scruff of the neck...... we cant score, we cant create and we cant defend.... can we start the season again? coz we will be destroyed by liverpool and it looks like we will have Lowry at CB against them.... What's our club motto Martin? You could do with reminding yourself of it
  3. lacking ideas as usual... beye's getting forward well... looks like heskey and young have swapped positions
  4. nah...... we'll move on without him and become a better team..... on his day he was pure class.... but i think if we will manage to find a more mobile creative CM (maybe Delph) then we will see how much he hindered us
  5. i agree it was fast moving but didn't affect my enjoyment of it.... looking forward to part 2
  6. Mesrine: Killer Instinct.... fantastic film with a "killer" performance from Vincent Cassel....... and he's married to Monica Belluci..lucky git
  7. Chelsea if Ancelotti adapts quickly
  8. wigan....... unproven manager in this league...... lost palacios, valencia, heskey, zaki, could yet lose cattermole and bought nobody of note.... had a shit pre season and will hopefully get drubbed by us!
  9. i was gonna post the "oh happy day" tune....... much easier to get going on the terraces
  10. John Mayer - In your atmosphere (live in LA) stuff of legends!
  11. Hidden or Cache(its french name) directed by Michael Haneke... a slow burner with an ambiguous ending but i really enjoyed it..... there's a shocking scene about half way through which completely floored me...just totally wasn't expecting it i love films like that
  12. to be brutally honest....... if we won a trophy i wouldnt be too bothered where we finished in the league...obviously as long it was out of the relegation places.... celebrating a trophy would be fantastic
  13. put it this way... im a big MON fan but if he signed this gutter turd i would be calling for his resignation
  14. a lot of what you say makes sense Chindie and i really hope you are right we are relying on MON big time to get his replacement right and find a guy who is more creative and gets more goals from midfield... by personal opinion would be to get milner in the CM role as i think he could do that role you speak of........ then bag someone like bentley or preferably a speedier winger and we may be in business young milner petrov bentley
  15. 100% yes for 2 reasons 1. he is a class act...when he is on song we are a terrific team...his passing, vision and reading of the play is brilliant...only petrov comes close to this 2. i dont trust martin one jot to actually replace him properly if he goes im sure next season we are gonna be talking about how much it has affected us i hope he stays
  16. heard a good one on Setanta Sports News last night.......... whats the difference between Newcastle and Alan Shearer? Alan Shearer will be on Match of the Day next season absolutely cracked me up for some reason
  17. Exactamundo! yep MON has continued to consistently piss me off ever since he sent that shit team to Moscow....... but i wouldnt swap him for anybody at the moment however he has some major flaws but im hoping the longer he spends at this club the more likely they are to be 'ironed out'
  18. yes definately..... but im already worried about the summer.... i think he is going to disappoint me again
  19. chelsea win im afraid. weve had a rough week and Chelsea seem in determined mood
  20. chuffed for him .... best buy of the summer
  21. been divorced since i was 11... im now 25
  22. i went to a private school in Sheffield......and no im not stuck up!... there is a big difference to the attitudes of those who went to private school in the north than down south....... out of the 100 or so people who were in my year i honestly couldnt describe any who could be described as stuck up...... although it was private it just didnt breed that type of person....and i think thats because of the city it was in 2 people in my year ended up in prison
  23. seeing that advert constantly on TV with the song 'Forever Young' on it made me think of an obvious connection..... Forever Young..... at villa he'll be..... Forever Young we want him to be a villain forever....forever...forever! repeat simple and quite effective i think.....shows him what he means to us.....cant think of a decent chant we have for him edit: whoops just noticed its already been suggested albeit with different words... i think either would be a great chant
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