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Everything posted by sonic_bouma

  1. its difficult...... NRC offers something nobody else can...the ability to harass and tackle for 90 mins........in many ways he is crucial to the team........ Petrov has proved he can play that role also very well.........and he passes and moves the ball much better than NRC looking for the forward pass more often than not......plus his stamina is still pretty good......... its one of these two who has to go........and ive plumped for NRC but only just........ god knows about Sidwell......ive almost forgotten about him!!
  2. if barry stays and his here for another season i just hope we dont boo him when hes playing..... its fair enough not supporting him but to openly boo is a slap in the face to the manager and other players who are fighting to win matches.... i really hope we dont go down that route because i think it could be very damaging
  3. Whether he is or he isn't we have every right to ask for it as other players have gone for the same whon he has kept out of the England side plus captaining his country and him being a key player for us. And the fact that we don't need to sell. if hargreaves and carrick hadnt gone for 18m then i think our valuation would have been lower....... but they did...so barry should rightly be given that price tag...... hargreaves and carrick was our insurance policy if anybody kicked up a fuss over the price....including Benitez, Barry or the agent........ we were always in pole position after the transfers of similar players for massive fees.... if you listen to the opinion of most neutrals in the game..they agree that the price is the going rate
  4. when Joey takes a shower in the Friends episode "The One with the Butt"......you can quite clearly see the shadowed outline of his boxer shorts on the wall behind him. perhaps i should start a thread "totally useless information/gay trivia"
  5. i've gone for no.... i fail to see AT THE MOMENT how anybody could be happy... we are losing our captain....and have 3 defenders before the start of the season..... on the 17th August when we play Man City i hope im saying yes im happy
  6. to the tune of Robin Hood... ashley young... ashley young... running down the wing......... ashley young... ashley young... watch him whip one in..... Big John nods one home..... from a cross he swuunng.... ashley youuung...... ashley youuuung.......ashley youuung........
  7. Palace will come up....and we will be forced to look at Simon Jordan's smackable face as he conducts interviews with every sports channel each week........ then laugh as they go straight back down
  8. Sing to the theme tune of 'Flipper'........... HIS NAME IS ASHLEY ASHLEY! HE'S FASTER THAN LIGHTNING JUST WATCH THE BALL SPIN WHEN HE WHIPS ONE IN HIS NAME IS ASHLEY ASHLEY VILLA'S NUMBER SEVEN WHEN HE'S ON THE BALL HE'LL NUTMEG YOU ALL simple tune and easy to sing..i reckon it would sound good on the terraces.....think it would need at least 2 verses to be worthwhile though.....too short otherwise
  9. exactly........5th is not gonna happen so let em get dicked on....... im just concentrating on us getting 7th
  10. Yes i do........ but if he f***s around for another summer acting as if he is managing fulham football club then that will quickly turn to a No
  11. i am officially cacking my pants now.... if young isnt in the starting line up i will cry like a baby
  12. Gabby is just such a massive threat with his pace you almost cant leave him out.... luke is better technically im just glad we have both of them! they are quality young players
  13. well someones gotta give him some competition in vanity jez
  14. haha a point well made bromsgrove.... they were taken over xmas eve,day,and boxing day!
  15. its Christmas in the Bouma household! time to pick out your favourite jumper and let the good times roll (im on the left) Shot with DSC-P72 just look at the concentration as i negotiate the opening of the first present Shot with DSC-P72 but the hard work and toil is all worthwhile as i unveil my first choice gift! a rags to riches tale about a professional drunk who also happened to play football quite well at the same time. im so excited i just happen to pull the most gimpish pose i have ever done.... its a time to show your unconditional love.... and your unconditional manliness.... and after a quick bout of washing up..... Shot with DSC-P72 its time to indulge in your 2 greatest passions in life.... Shot with DSC-P72 Kettle Chips and THE VILLA! Shot with DSC-P72
  16. At the end of last summer i think, or it might of been Jan cannot remember which but it was rejected. i dont think we ever officially bid for him... there was no quotes from MON or anybody within villa regarding Defoe
  17. If Spam sign Darren Bent regardless of how much for.... i shall be very jealous...pure and simple... The Bellamy link has cooled,Bent may be off to Spam, Nugent rumoured to have signed for Sunderland... me thinks MON is going to sign a foreign striker
  18. dont know if this has been mentioned but Tuncay's agent has said in a turkish newspaper that he has agreed to join Boro on a free transfer.... i respect that MON obviously showed no interest in this player..... but i think we have missed out on a very creative and european class player
  19. Exactly. rubbish.... stop using the FM arguement......its getting really tedious...i dont even play on it IMO on a free transfer Tuncay would be a fantastic prospect and you cant rule out signing somebody based on which clubs are in for him.....thats bloody ridiculous we wouldnt sign anybody if we were just after players who were wanted by the bigger clubs
  20. for 1.5m i would carry him here! imagine signing Tuncay and Giuly for a combined fee of 1.5m!! or NRC,Tuncay and Giuly for a combined fee of 8.5m!! feck me im salivating now! ive a feeling that the 1.5m is quite a way off the real fee though
  21. When the hell were we linked with kamara, the bloke is rubbish!? yeh we were....over a month ago now, there were a couple of matches left in the championship and we were linked with a 6 million bid. not heard any links for a while now though
  22. middlesvilla linked with tnucay today on a free.... he is immense! sign him up MON!! there appears to be no noise from the villa even after fulhams bids for koumas and kamara....2 players MON wants aparently..... im quite excited by this.....could it mean that MON has his sights higher after all? and never intended on competing for Koumas?
  23. isnt Tuncay of Fenerbache out of contract? i think he has been linked to newcastle and birmingham a few weeks ago he can play up front or on the left bloody good for a free transfer
  24. if newcastle get a player like giuly for anywhere near that figure i might break my computer!
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