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Everything posted by sonic_bouma

  1. Im goin on a stag do next weekend with Sam and Mark, the presenting duo, off TV next weekend.....Sam is the best man of one of my good friends...got to know him quite well...top bloke
  2. Finished this in 4 nights. Highly recommended...........less violence than usual for Reacher but a cracking story I've not read any Jack Reacher yet.... im making my way through Dennis Lehane's Kenzie and Gennaro detective series that have spawned the great films Mystic River and Gone Baby Gone - they are well worth a read but my favourite crime series novels are the Inspector Salvo Montalbano books written by Andrea Camilleri originally in Italian and translated into English they are fantastic but theres a lot of them to get through however neither installment is very long...you could easily finish them in a couple of days if your a speedy reader
  3. i think thats unfair on the rest of the team tbh maybe slightly
  4. id be absolutely gutted if milner goes....hes my favourite villa player by a mile.... he is replaceable for that kind of money and im sure it wouldnt affect us in terms of quality once we spend it but that doesnt change the fact that i wont see him wearing our shirt being the only shining light in our all too frequent shit performances and giving 110% every game
  5. mascherano is definately over rated.... but hes still a good player
  6. rooney will never ever be dropped no matter how shit he plays.... he has everyone in football under his thumb...... if he was dropped we are scared that he will pull the biggest strop goin and cause trouble so we have to put up with his shit performances whilst knowing that if we played crouch and defoe up front we would have beaten algeria
  7. going to tenerife on friday so will be watching this in some seedy bar in the sun........ il be on a major high for the week if we manage to win! im goin for a cheeky 1-0 victory....Terry own goal you heard it here first
  8. just got back from the game.it wasnt pretty at all apart from a great goal by ash who was good all game..... petrov and dunne were also quality.....and warnock provided great width in the second half.... downing offered nothing yet again and needs to hit the gym coz he gets knocked off the ball like a girl... massive win and now 4th is down to 5 points........ well done martin and the team for battling away even though gabby almost **** it up for you! and christ the bolton fans are drab...not one song all game
  9. im feeling grumpy this morning 2-0 defeat for me and spurs to be 7 points clear of us in 4th by 5.00pm... those two home draws were horrendous results
  10. frustrating result.......... Downing was so shit yet again....he is offering us nothing at the moment.... he slows down attacks and passes backwards instead of looking for the forward ball and at times is really pedestrian.... he is only useful for a dead ball situation when nobody is allowed to tackle him and he has all the time in the world to cross the ball....... Youngs crossing was back to its best though...more of the same please Ash! MON fuvked me off big time with his ridiculous substitutions....swapping Sidwell for Downing was just bizarre...as cack as downing was, he is still an attacking player(supposedly)...Fonz should have got some minutes today
  11. which decent teams would that be ? in the league they have failed to beat any of the top sides i was thinking of arsenal just the one then
  12. good result when you think of the decent teams that have lost there.... defence were great and they needed to be.... Petrov was good but the rest of midfield and attack were below par... Downing was particularly turd... gotta beat Wigan now on Tuesday
  13. this is dull...... its blowing a gale which isnt helping.... i only counted about 6 hoofs in the first half up to Heskey and Carew which aint bad... Gabby has to come on surely at half time..we desperatly need some pace up there
  14. its remarkable how not bothered we look... 4th is their for the taking and a double against man utd and we are playin like we are 8-0 up with 2 mins to go.... so frustrating
  15. Friedel, beye, cuellar,collins,L young,albrighton,NRC,Delph,Downing,Fonz,Carew is what id like to see
  16. bollocks it all...... ive got dressed up like the michelin man for nothing now very surprised they didnt put covers over it with temporary heaters
  17. are we sold out for this one? or are tickets still available?
  18. we were wank today..no doubt about that and weve got a lot of improvement to do.... but we got a draw at a difficult stadium....downing is back....and we are 4th with only arsenal, man utd and chelsea ahead of us.... happy days
  19. every manager sees 60 mins as the universally renowned time to make a change when you are losing coz theres still plenty of time for the subs to influence the game.... MON sees the perfect time as 80mins when weve just gone 2-0 down coz there all feckin knackered
  20. were we expecting any? has MON ever made changes at half time unless they were enforced?
  21. this is exactly what will happen and yes it must be
  22. its blowin a gale and its pissin it down....... therefore gabby, a young and carew were always gonna have a shit game
  23. NRC should be playing.... Sidwell has been garbage for weeks... cant believe we are seeing downing on the bench in mid november when January was the prediction... great stuff...... if we play well weve got more than enough to win this game but i can see a 1-1 draw... we can go 4th if we win and we all know what normally happens when thats the case!
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