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Everything posted by sonic_bouma

  1. has delph had an arguement with MON?... the guy is so underused its ridiculous
  2. Warnock should take em... i reckon keepers find it harder to read left footers and hes got a sweet strike
  3. kinda ironic that we have a decent size squad in virtually all positions for the first season in ages and MON has absolutely no intention of using it.... 'he can consider himself unlucky to not be in the side'............ in other words im never gonna play you unless Young,Gabby,Heskey,Petrov,Milner and Carew all get injured at once
  4. that was inevitable...weve been dead on our feet for a good 30 mins and MON does **** all
  5. whats happened to youngs crosses from last year?
  6. and thats supposed to be an everton line up thats riddled with injuries? doesnt look like it to me... its on a par with our starting eleven...difficult to call this one...id be happy with a draw gutted sidwell is back in...i know NRC didnt have the best game against Sunderland but he offers more than sidwell... annoyed at heskey starting although carew has been poo recently but at least he gets in the box...unlike gabby and heskey who almost play as wingers!
  7. ---------------------Guzan------------------- Young-------Dunne---------Collins-----------Warnock Milner--------Petrov-----NRC--------Delph-------Young ----------------------Gabby------------------------------- if we change it too much we will lose.... NRC and Delph need to step up and take sidwells place and hopefully luke young will be given a chance to oust cuellar so we can have a right back on the pitch!
  8. if luke young is ready i want him in for this match.... okay weve picked up some decent results with cuellar at right back but hes garbage goin forward.... weve got 4 full backs now and MON still plays a centre back there but i dont expect him to change it until we lose.... we really need to follow up chelsea with 3 points and kick off our 3 away games in a row with a victory CMON YOU LIONS
  9. Another game and another reason to love Jimmy Milner.... always the shining light whenever we lose.... He's gonna be a LEGEND
  10. Another game and another reason to love Jimmy Milner....... forever the shining light whenever we lose...... he's gonna be a LEGEND
  11. what a load of shit....... what was the point to last season exactly?.... serves us right for sitting back as soon as we got the 2nd goal..... where was the drive for the 3rd goal.... unbelievable...so lethargic at the end..... Gabby should have been on 30 mins earlier... GUTTED
  12. what is heskey doing to warrant being on the pitch FFS
  13. carew and heskey have done nothing....get gabby on see if they can handle his pace.... petrov and delph are both playin too similar...collecting the ball deep, pasing sideways etc....delph improved in an attacking sense in the last 15 of the half...but MON needs to tell him to have the confidence to get forward and cause some damage
  14. really lookin forward to seein Delph...glad Carew is back..... would have liked to have seen Gabby up top with Carew
  15. quite possibly one of the greatest victories in my life as a villa fan....... plop were unbeaten in 31 at home and we hadnt won there in 8 years...a night for the record books!..... everybody was superb tonight..... milner and young are 2 of the hardest working wingers in the league and plop cudnt handle the fact that one minute they were defending in their own box and the next they were racing up field...... NRC was superb as was Petrov.....Sidwell had a good game but with Stan and Nigel in there i think we can afford to have someone more attack minded in Sidwells place....i would play the same team agianst Vienna but with Delph in Sidwells role..... Petrov and NRC were superb at reading passes and intercepting the ball, Petrov did it on numerous occasions and then drew the foul for us to gain a bit of stability.... we just need a bit of flair in that CM position coz yet again all our play came from the wings... well done boys and well done MON a massive result for us and what is a turning point for this club... gonna sleep so so well tonight...and well done villa fans you were superb....plop fans were shit from the 1st minute
  16. right kick off time.... Final negative jibe : "If Friedel is on his game we could be in with a chance. A chance of keeping it to 6 or 7". and now for the blind faith : "CMON BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"
  17. Carews played his last game for us.... flu my arse
  18. Davies is gonna be scared goin into any challenge... we might as well play with 10 feckin men... Rafas tactics? " get in Davies' face" job done
  19. Friedel, Beye, Cuellar, Davies, Shorey, Milner, NRC, Petrov, Sidwell, Young, Agbonlahor thats how we line up.... finally hes dropped Heskey but i would have liked Delph in there instead of Sidwell... Davies is playing with a heavily strapped shoulder apparently... bet he loves MON at the moment
  20. haha been there my friend........ ive managed to find a watering hole in leeds where there is at least 3 or 4 other villa fans... makes the walk of shame a little less painful
  21. mate dont go... sit in a bar and watch it by yourself...would be much less humiliating.... it could be 5 or 6 tonight...... martin go 4-5-1 and try and nick a draw.... -----------------------Friedel----------- Beye-----Davies(if fit)----Cuellar------Shorey----- Milner-----NRC-------Petrov------Delph-----Young----- --------------------Carew (if he feels like it)------------- if Beye has to play centrally FFS please dont play Gardener/NRC/Milner there, put a youngster in and watch him play with no fear...Eric will do.... if Carew is in a mood then put Gabby up top...at least it will encourage us to play it along the floor rather than lump it forward to Heskey
  22. after reading his post match inteview i really cannot think of all these chances we created.... and as for his "rapid fans were terrific, they kept it up all game and their players responded to that".... well that was obviously a dig at the Villa faithful.... he's not a happy man at the moment and i dont think its just coz he has lost 2 games in a row
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