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Everything posted by rhyscartwright_avfc

  1. Obviously in the minority but I quite like that Man Utd Gk kit.
  2. . I have no experience at this level, you could try lee hendrie lol? I was amazed when I struggled to attract 40 yr old Jar I Litmanen to villa. Still got cracking Stats for a support striker. I'm guessing free transfers are your best bet. Struggled or failed?
  3. Don't like it at first glance. That shade of yellow looks wrong to me. Would probably grow on me though, better to have simple design like that than some of the monstrosities out there.
  4. There's 26 players in that squad, trim 3 out.
  5. Completely forgot about Joe Cole. Watched a fair bit of French football this season, played very well. Would stick him in the squad instead of Carrick and stick in the XI instead of Lampard.
  6. Regarding Holt and Ruddy, I am all for giving players a chance who been in good form I just don't think they've been good enough. Ruddy is nowhere near good enough for international standard. He makes mistakes fairly regularly. Not necessarily giving away goals but parrying into dangerous areas or not collecting crosses etc, generally not good enough. And as for Holt, yes he has scored quite a lot of goals for a poor team but he is so poor, his movement is atrocious, he doesn't finish very well, can't dribble, not quick. Good header of a ball and strong and will definitely put a shift in for you but not what I would want in my England team.
  7. GK - Hart, Robinson, Foster DF - Walker, Richards, Cole, Baines, Jones, Ferdinand, Lescott, Cahill MF - Parker, Milner, Carrick, Barry, Lampard, Lennon, Walcott, Young, Ox-Chamb ST - Rooney, Bent, Sturridge. Would take Wilshire instead of Lampard if fit. Struggling for a striker after Rooney & Bent. England only have 3 world class players; Rooney, Cole and Hart. A 4-2-3-1 formation. Starting line-up would be: --------------Hart------------------ Walker --Jones--Ferdinand--Cole --------Parker----Milner----------- Lennon---Lampard-------Young-- ------------Rooney-----------------
  8. Really like him as a player. Like him even more as a person now!
  9. When I tried to sign him they wanted 20 odd million. That was 6 months or maybe a year into the game.
  10. This talk about Newcastle being amazing at scouting is annoying me. It's not hard to scout a French international and Ligue Un winner (Cabaye), a Senegalese international who scored enough goals to become a Premier League teams top scorer in half a season (Ba), another Senegalese international who was top scorer in Bundesliga whilst playing for the bottom placed club (Cisse) and an Italian international who had played for one of the best teams in Europe (Santon). Scouting is Dortmund finding Kagawa for 350,000€.
  11. Regarding the statue, this may sound really harsh, but if he was still alive that statue is not getting built.
  12. Fair enough. Can't think of many commentators I actually like. Would much rather watch a game with the sounds but without the commentary than listen to someone. Niall Quinn just been employed by Sky. He's shocking. The bias towards Man City makes Jamie Redknapp look like a saint.
  13. David Pleats voice is one of the most annoying in the world of footballing commentators. Hate him with a passion!
  14. Thought I might snatch it at one point. Was 2nd for quite a few weeks. Poor couple weeks put me down to 5th though.
  15. In last 10 years Swansea, Hull, Derby, Watford and Bolton (2001) all finished in 3rd and them got promoted via play-offs.
  16. The team finishing highest in the league (third) has succeeded in winning promotion nine times out of twenty five seasons up to 2011, with 4th managing four promotions, 5th six and 6th five.
  17. Actually you are wrong. The team finishing 3rd have the best record of getting promoted.
  18. Can't agree there at all. True Adebayor has been off form the last few weeks/months, but at the start of the season he was outstanding. Spurs would be nowhere near 4th without him and having to play Defoe up front.
  19. If he can stay fit. Got a RB too, small guy called Ronnie Hilman. Apparently he is fast and can break explosive long plays. Compared to Darren Sproles by John Fox.
  20. Didn't watch it as I had work. So I downloaded it and made sure I didn't find anything out to find the Broncos didn't even make a single pick. What a waste of time. Still...like BOF said, right way to go trading out. Great trade by Minnesota, getting the player they wanted at #4 plus 3 extra picks.
  21. Also in Spain the tax on top of the transfer fee is massive compared to other European countries so the buying club would have to pay more on top than just the release clause.
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