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Everything posted by rhyscartwright_avfc

  1. Saw on Twitter that Dante has agreed a move from Gladbach to Bayern
  2. Are mocks usually anywhere near being correct? I watched the draft for 1st time last year as the Broncos had #2 overall. Didn't pay attention to pre-draft stuff though. Still don't know many players in this years draft beyond the first few picks and who the Broncos might take.
  3. It's been coming for the last 2/3 years. Just a matter of when. Fancy AVB or Luis Enrique to get it. Luis Enrique took over Pep as Barcelona B manager and led them to "theoretical" promotion (Barca B can't be in same division as 1st team). Now in charge of Roma. Took Bojan with him last summer.
  4. Is that just a rumour or something more substantial?
  5. Well we all know English teams can do Bayern in finals but I cannot see past Bayern, especially at home. Jose was right wasn't he, no Real-Chelsea final. Although that was more to do with him than UEFA
  6. Had such a strong feeling Bayern would go through tonight. Didn't put any money on though
  7. What are the distinguishing features of a rapist?
  8. I wish Roy Keane would **** off. Offers no insight whatsoever
  9. You? He doesn't work for the team at all, he gets so many chances handed to him that he wastes. Seriously overrated. When you have Robben and Ribery supplying balls to you all day long you should score a fuckload.
  10. Someone on VT mentioned how whenever they've seen Gomez he's been shit and I agree, although I don't watch much Bayern. Why didn't he stick that away 1st time then. In both these legs he hasn't done much. How does he score so many?
  11. Well the law is that is has to be deliberate. Course the refs don't abide to that.
  12. Thinking about it, that crazy SOB Zatman's suggestion isn't completely without merit; if he manages to clatter Torres before he reaches the box - taking the red card and free-kick - and if Barcelona then manage to defend the resulting free-kick, it's even-steven (albeit now with an outfield player in goal, but hey the game's nearly up anyway) for the dying minutes and they're still in with the slimmest of slim chances of maybe getting a goal. Like, über-slim. But still better than no chance. Like someone else said, any striker should be putting that away. If Valdes comes out the box to clatter him Torres either chips him or gets round him even easier than he would in the box.
  13. I rate Valdes, but he has been poor recently. He was at fault for Drogba's goal at Stamford Bridge. He was at fault for both goals in el Clasico IMO. I can't say he was fault last night though, what was he supposed to do?
  14. I know, just interested to see the views of a select few on here who refuse to believe Barca can win without the help of refs.
  15. Barca haters going to come out with the conspiracy bullshit about the red card then?
  16. You playing as Villa? Never seen them be took over by anyone else except Krulak, and he's got no **** money whatsoever.
  17. Lucky? You're paying £100k p/w to someone who cannot kick a ball for you for 2 months.
  18. Wasn't just me then. Thought I was hearing things.
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