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Everything posted by rhyscartwright_avfc

  1. How costly does that safety look now. A FG would have been enough otherwise.
  2. Has Welker just lost them the Superbowl.
  3. Give Brady that much time you know what's going to happen.
  4. At least this is realistic. Real refereering is never consitent and how many mistakes do they make too. It's a game! Why do I want to play a game where I don't know one match from the next whether the tackle I make will be a foul or not.
  5. If they sell some players like they have and with the parachute payments they will probably be alright.
  6. Yes, yes & YES! Stupid game. Happens all the time no matter who you are. 3 out of 5 online games earlier were drawing at 80 mins, around 86 mins either mine or opposition defence would leave gaping holes allowing a winner. Like you said how they get away with producing such crap games I don't know. But they won't improve it until people stop buying it. Domination in the market is so vast they know they can produce shit. Until PES step up their game again we're ****.
  7. What do people think of Del Rio as new Broncos DC? Particularly Brumerican seeing as you saw his defence week in week out.
  8. I find that happens if you click on something a few times when waiting for it to happen. If just press once and leave and wait it's fine.
  9. It would be an idea to untick move matches for TV in preferences so that everyone plays at the same time
  10. I'm done with this game. Way too many rocket polishers playing online to make enjoyable at all. I've already had my fix of career mode so nothing left. Only thing I enjoy doing at the moment are the challenges. Although that's **** up as well because you can't do the previous ones once the time has run out.
  11. Yeah Hutton is shit, but you can't blame McLeish for Young leaving. He had an agreement with the club before McLeish even came. If they got any offer from a London club he would be allowed to speak to them. Hence moving to QPR. On topic. Shit defending cost us again. Why does Dunne insist on diving into challenges time after time. Stupid penalty to give away.
  12. The thing that pisses me off the most are the refs. Why the **** have they got some refs that are words removed and whistle and card every little foul, and then some refs who let everything go. Yet somehow they all still manage to miss players being taken out off the ball from a one-two when you should be clean on goal. BULLSHIT!!! The amount of pens I've given away from sliding in, yet taking the ball clean as a whistle is a **** joke. Cost me relegation last night in Head-Head.
  13. I meant more as in how to connect to the game. Someone said something about Hitachi or whatever. What's that?
  14. When we do get it running someone will have to explain to me what to do because I've never played a network game before.
  15. This game is pissing me off so much right now. 1st my batteries keep dieing and I've lost about 4 games due losing goals when not controlling. Then when people are in the lead they just piss about in defence so you can't get the ball. When you do get the ball and get back level the game suddenly decides we can't be having and you can't get near the opposition till they take the lead again. Also the refs are **** abysmal. They never give anything when your player is blocked off from and one-two or taken out off the ball. The advantages last for about a millisecond. How can teams like Chelsea, Bayern Munich, PSG have so many holes in their defence too. One minute the defence is fine then the AI suddenly decides to make all your players run about like headless chickens or even worse just stand there while somebody runs through on goal. Fuming right now!!! So many more things as well. It's better than last years but it's still got so many things wrong with it.
  16. Any day expect weekend pretty much although might be able to squeeze odd Saturday or Sunday in here or there.
  17. I need to know what days we are playing before committing to it. But...if I do I would like to play as M'Boro
  18. Wouldn't mind that depending on when, who etc?
  19. 16 years of won **** all. Scraping the barrel for lyrics a bit there.
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