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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. Really looking forward to the Michael Jackson gigs this summ... Oh.
  2. Anthony

    Top Gear

    Don't think it'll be the real Stig somehow, assuming that there is only one Stig of course. Probably take the helmet off to reveal Susan Boyle or something.
  3. Well if that's where you lost them, why don't you look there?
  4. I'm having my boiler fixed. It was leaking water. Out of the air vent. I was supposed to have it done on Friday, but someone had nicked my gas meter.
  5. An African or a European bee?
  6. To paraphrase er, you; you lucky lucky cow. Great voice and dead nice and genuine too. Such a star.
  7. First time I ever saw her was at a Burlesque do at the Cafe de Paris. I was about ten feet away as she came on stage wearing a slinky black evening dress - made of rubber. She then sang Cry me a River. The kind of thing you don't forget in a hurry.
  8. So you'll be playing London eh? Where and when? I may come along to lob a rotten tomato or two.
  9. Seen her loads of times here in London - she's awesome and dead friendly too. The band ain't half bad either. That bassman!
  10. You have the facial hair of a Ridgewell!
  11. Woo hoo, 12 hours after first trying to log in to BT Openzone and I'm finally in. Seems like I haven't missed much [/sarcasm]
  12. Yeah, have to say that squeaky voiced bint in Bound is really irritating and Gina Gershon's character is, well I just kept shouting "You're just a **** cliché! You're just a **** cliché!" at the TV screen. I'd like to see remakes of the Harryhausen films; Jason and the Argonauts and all that.
  13. Most recorded music has something of merit in it; it genuinely seems to me that the top 40 is more and more merely a list of those without.
  14. Don't be so harsh on yourself Ive got pretty much the same hair/facial hair as you (blonde though), but how do you get your hair to sit so flat! And as a mark of respect for myself I refuse to use straightners. Blonde = girl blond = boy Would you like to clarify?
  15. I'd volunteeer for that job Sllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag! :-) It would be like throwing a tick tac up broad street. You implying something about Rob? You shouldn't insult people like that. Especially when their motives are pure and they're trying to help.
  16. Well as I couldn't give a flyer about boxing I can ignore one thread just as easily as I can ignore multiple threads.
  17. Woo hoo! About time. I see your cherry vodka and raise you a bacon vodka.
  18. Anthony

    Dr Pepper

    McDonalds used to do it when they first came over. They found that most people saw sense and didn't drink it. After all, why drink Germolene?
  19. Anthony

    Do you read?

    I love Iain Banks and have everything he's ever published on my bookshelf. Only Tove Jansson and Graham Greene have a similar status on my shelves. I enjoyed Excession but it's quite difficult to work out what's going on as most of the action/dialogue is between ships and I found that I lost track of who was who very often. I'd suggest starting with Consider Phlebas, the Player of Games or the Use of Weapons; much easier to get into and follow, and they'll give you an awful lot of backstory which will help when you get to Excession. Think I've read the Player of Games 5 times now...
  20. Do you reckon if we hijacked Tower Bridge we'd get a ransom of a couple of million quid? I'm in, who's with me?
  21. Anthony

    Dr Pepper

    Dr Pepper. Yum. Has to be COLD though. Warm, it's puke inducing.
  22. Got tickets for Depeche Mode at the O2 in December. The may date sold out in a few hours. Fucken touts.
  23. She as cheeky as she looks Rev?
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