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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. Rob, you got some extra spesh blogtooty lined up for us if we win?
  2. Not quite everything - Shrek did get a yellow for diving remember
  3. **** me we're pressing constantly. I'm concerned we'll run out of steam at some point.
  4. Defenders doing unnecessary emergency long punts when all it does is come straight back.
  5. Martin O'Neill chants coming over on the telly.
  6. Long punts won't work in this game. I hope our chaps realise this. And remember it for 90 minutes plus 10 of stoppage time if we're in front.
  7. The Matrix. With little lego people. Brilliantly done. 440 hours of work apparently. Someone call Villaajax!
  8. So, by that definition the biggest island is either Europe/Africa/Asia or the Americas. I'm going with the first. I am being pedantic I know - I am currently struggling with not obsessing about "unspoken assumptions". It's a phase and I'll get over it.
  9. Yeah, but iced tea doesn't taste or smell like this:
  10. Where is 'here' ME? I can make out it could be either of the two sides of the pond, and if I had to guess I'd go for the one with less love for round footballs. To me Christmas is about love and emotion and taking time out to show it to others. Spending your valuable time and energy thinking of what the other person would like to receive (maybe even without them knowing it), as opposed to what you would like to give, is a way of showing love; buying a 'gift pack' of shower gel, deodorant and soap from Boots isn't. Spending time with people who mean something to you is important, going to visit family you don't like or who don't like you, just because they're family most certainly is not. Apparently I'm in a minority.
  11. Jump was the first one I considered, but the intro is too obvious. And BHS was way too slow.
  12. Anthony


    The guy that wrote the article Levi linked to. What a rocket polisher. I bet he's really popular at parties. Go and waste someone else's air.
  13. I DJ'ed my mate's 40th last night. She wanted loads of 30's 40' swing big band stuff. What went down particularly well was Paul Anka doing Smells Like Teen Spirit.
  14. George Melly... Perhaps you're referring to the extra chin? Incidentally, the outfit will get an airing this Saturday as I'm Djing my friends birthday party. Loads of 40's swing music 'n shit maaaaan.
  15. Good for you CM. Rest assured he won't look like the proctologist from the Cannonball run: **** stupid video
  16. Ex girlfriend's brother was in a similar situation to you CM. He didn't want to go to the docs for fear of big C type bad news. He left it and left it, to the point where his family had to smash his front door down, to find him unconscious on his bed in a pool of blood. It wasn't cancer, it was ulcerative collitis, which is treatable, although like anything, the earlier you diagnose it, the easier it is to treat. Anyway, he ended up having all of his colon removed (no incisions necessary - they went in through the holes in his skin between the belly button and sternum) and now he has an ileostomy bag. Ileostomy is the most severe form. All this was preventable. All he had to do was go to the doctors. That said, chin up, it may well be just a haemorhoid.
  17. Rustlers burger? I'd rather go hungry. Nowt wrong with burgers mind, but Rustlers? Euurgh etc. Pasties on the other hand... That said, I have a few chocolate Hobnobs left, anyone want one? Bring some milk for the tea/coffee though, cos I'm all out.
  18. Never been a 'rack' man myself; I do find them fascintaing so will always have a good ogle, but fascinating and ogling does not necessarily equate to fancying. As far as skinny goes, one of the (many) downsides of anorexia as a teenager is the late/partial/nonexistant onset of puberty - no curves, no wider hips, no boobs. And I don't really find girls so attractive when they have the body of an 11 year old boy. Call me picky, just don't call me Garry Glitter.
  19. According to the BBC it will be 8 degrees, with Sunny intervals and no rain. I am thankful for this small blessing. If we put out the right team we should win it; the wrong one (as we usually do) and we'll struggle and the result will be close.
  20. I suspect the Adventurers will feature Wedge...
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