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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. CM we don't do praise on here. Criticism and moaning only. Miserablists FTW.
  2. Kinda like Neighbourhood Watch for the internet age.
  3. No, no disguise. The Europa League as it stands merely protects those playing in the Champions' League, by forcing their nearest rivals (those who qualified for the Europa League) to either invest in a CL size squad in return for a fraction of the CL income or keep with the existing squad and have them completely knackered and injured come February. Whilst I was naturally pissed off about going out so early, now in hindsight I'm relieved.
  4. But then he'd be outnumbered 11-1. We might lose. As for today, to quote JPA on twitter, "1-1 not a bad result" Not good, but this team frustrates me.
  5. Or just **** hit it with conviction. Yeah, where's Hitz when you need him?
  6. Our defence is performing well. And they're having to: what OBE said.
  7. Arf. Great hook too. Better than Take That or Westlife. Not to mention Boyzoneless.
  8. No wonder you **** won. With that lot against schoolkids how did no-one you'd put in a few ringers?
  9. So it's not only in Britain that referees are officious clearings in the woods who don't understand why they're there.
  10. Anthony


    In the absence of any guidance on spoilers, don't put spoilers in. I fortunately saw the big bold 'spoilers!!!' just in time, so then had to scroll down quickly.
  11. Try Baraka. I hunted around for recommendations of the Best thing on Blu-Ray and came up with this. Bought it for my bro; he said it's amazing.
  12. Awesome, Rob. I was in the pub shouting, "That's Rob, that's Rob!" In between shouting, "Racist!" on every close up of John Terry.
  13. Apologies if this has been posted already. Peter Serafinowicz (voice of Darth Maul amongst others) doing some impressions. An underrated genius. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6He6oxKMdV8 The key bit on the above is at 1:50, then watch this:
  14. Kanye! Seriously, lose the shades.
  15. Anthony

    Ice rink

    I made this one myself. Not deliberately; I was far too pissed. I hope you guys appreciate it, as it involved letting go of the wall to take the piccy, which in hindsight was rather foolish in the condition I was in.
  16. You know the Jedi battle at the end of Clones? Was it just me or did it seem really... flat? All the necessary ingredients were there, but it just didn't grab me. Well, my favourite is Ep 4, because it always takes me back to being an 8 year old kid staring open mouted at the screen. In the context of the original question, I'd probably go for Revenge of the Sith.
  17. Cizzler, you have broken internetz roolz number 27b paragraph c! Never reveal yourself as female on a male dominated forum.
  18. Link doesn't work old boot. Must be the Ridley Road air melting your branes.
  19. This is where I'm watching. Good pic quality, but VERY choppy http://freedocast.com/liveboxing
  20. I have bratwurst and mustard as my half time snack. Big up the Germans!
  21. We only have 40% possession so far, though it doesn't seem it at all.
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