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Everything posted by bickster

  1. That isn't the only outcome at all He is barred from standing again He loses Secret Service Protection He loses $200,000 a year in pension / salary He loses a Govt funded Office He loses a $1,000,000 per year travel allowance EDIT: He would also lose the ability to Pardon himself
  2. Airey Neave says Hi (first one that popped into my head, plenty more besides, as I'm sure you're well aware)
  3. Haha, it was only yesterday I read they were waiting
  4. Not sure that's happened yet, they were waiting for him to leave office so there'd be no repercussions the last I read
  5. Read the title of the topic Ruge
  6. Highlights above, plenty more to read on NPR
  7. Irony and cognitive dissonance rolled into one
  8. The original wasn't long enough and rarely does a cover correct that error
  9. I always have a cup of coffee before I do the left over washing up from the night before.
  10. Parler now removed from Amazon Web Hosting
  11. If there is, they'll be fans of the Phil Collins Genesis
  12. I got lost in there for a good hour, it's comedy gold in places. The bloke that had the Molotov Cocktails in the boot of his car one is priceless
  13. I think I saw them on a really early tour, I worked the gig at the Royal Court and ended up at the aftershow in the bar at the Adelphi Hotel and ended up chatting to Michael Hutchence because he sat next to me Gig was shite but Hutchence was a nice bloke
  14. I have used the phrase "waste of atoms" since the day I first heard that song in a rehearsal in Vulcan Studios
  15. Washing Up is a man's job
  16. You just have to wonder WHY? the f***ing retards
  17. Its like a pissed town in Scotland
  18. Ironic we were talking a few posts apart about these two things. The affidavit regarding Evans arrest does indeed alude to him considering himself an "Independent member of the media" and he was just there to record history. The FBI then go on to blow that theory out of the water with all his social media posts leading up to the day. He also thought that deleting the live stream he shot and osted to facebook would get him off the hook, nah,, someone reported it to reddit and the FBI watched it there.
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