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Everything posted by bickster

  1. More like 55m adults in the UK
  2. Could we suggest you actually do that yourself but in the correct context
  3. The capacity has been dramtically increased and the stats you posted were a percentage. It does not mean less beds are occupied as you keep posting. It is far from the truth ICU beds occupied compared to previous years is much much higher despite your claims to the contrary using stats that don't say what you appear to think they do There are people that would normally be in ICU that aren't ICU is usually one nurse to a bed, its now one nurse to two beds or more in some counts Does that seem less than usual to you?
  4. This is utter nonsense and is simply not true. It is not even bourne out by the stats you posted
  5. When did they decide to vaccinate front line health workers? Was that in the vaccinate more quicker plan, I've kind of given up looking at this stuff as its a waste of time because it'll only change in a few days time
  6. Oh I agree I just think its the metrics of U-turning when you're criticising people for U-turning, in their heads not mine
  7. From what I read Starmer was saying the schools should be closed but not from tomorrow because he didn't want to add to the chaos but on the other hand he wanted full lockdown from tomorrow. It was as muddled as Johnson was on Marr I'm not convinced its either, I think it's more that he doesn't want to be seen to be U-turning
  8. Just seeing all the emails at work from school account customers, cancelling their bookings for Monday and Tuesday
  9. Same issue as the William Shatner tweet earlier in the year
  10. Anti Vax / Brexiteer, it's a very strong correlation
  11. Yeah its an issue with 4x4s and the like but a £21 locking wheel nut from a dealer makes me think your car isn't one
  12. Buy for normal nuts for it now, Locking wheel nuts are pointless unless you have a fantasic car, no one nicks "normal" alloys anymore
  13. Every single one in Formby was closed today, so I assumed they were meant to be
  14. This is minor but here in Tier Three, pubs are shut, so are barbers etc and probably rightly so they are non-essential right now So WTF are charity shops allowed to open? under whose description are they essential. They are generally staffed by retired volunteers in the most vulnerable of age groups not only that but they attract other old people like wasps to a jam jar. They are literally pensioner magnets. Utterly baffling
  15. Totally agree, the schools must be opened has been the stupidest thing he's done so far
  16. You could start a rumour that Starmer sucks ewe's cock and most of those same people would retweet it and act like it was true
  17. Its full of tweets like these... It's just Jezza's Witnesses being Witnesses and adding 2 and 2 and getting 3001
  18. Which they've already stated as a pre-cursor to any deal, it was a while back bt it's been mentioned more than once
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