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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Erm there really is no come back from this. Absolutely killed him stone dead. If only he’d looked her up on Wiki or something before tweeting
  2. This has no place here!
  3. I'm really at a loss for words on this one Hope the kid pulls through
  4. The Quiet Temple - Duke Garwood and Richie Machin's Stoner Jazz thang - eponymouly titled. Bit of a speculative purchase for me today after a recommendation from a customer. I like it First Track - The Last Opium Den (on Earth)
  5. Sooner or later, the Tories will realise that more police means more arrests an more convictions. That in turn leads to profits for Group 4 etc
  6. bickster

    Ice rink

    Spotted in today's news
  7. Its hard to have sympathy for anyone that adored Sam Allardyce
  8. Died in his husbands arms clutching his rosary. That’s f***ed up in itself
  9. When is this happening, just so I can block them ever turning up in my playlists
  10. I would imagine an awful lot of Tories don't actually see this as a crime, as it's something they all do
  11. This has pretty much always been the situation with the far left of politics in this country Far far too happy complaining and in fighting to actually come up with being electable and change anything
  12. It was reported in a number of articles in the media in the lead up to selection
  13. Did he apologise for blackmailing the party that he'd stand as an independent if they didn't choose him to fight the seat risking splitting the Tory vote further. Thought not.
  14. I'd hardly have Ystradgynlais down as a hotbed of Toryism, why did they ever expect to win that ward?
  15. Peter, you're some random bloke on the internet, I really don’t know why you think I’d be arsed to justify to you something I personally know to be true
  16. Evidence does not need to be on the internet Peter and I'm not in the habit of posting individual peoples Facebook posts especially as in all likelihood they no longer exist
  17. You want me to do your research? You think I should record conversations I've overheard? bonkers
  18. Well my routes are in the Welsh borders but not my roots (sorry) but again not that far away either. As far back as I know the Williams side of the family were from the other side of the Elan Valley to Rhayder, from around Pontrhydfendigaid (My mother and her immediate family are buried in Strata Florida) and Ysbyty Ystwyth
  19. Sorry but I've seen the threats and downright abuse (not death threats but threats nonetheless) from Labour Party members so why you believe that hasn't happened is beyond my comprehension because I know it to be true. It's not a false trope it's the truth. I've seen it and heard it from people I know to be real people and members of her CLP and it goes back before Corbyn was even a serious contender for anything. I'm really not sure why you've convinced yourself that this isn't the case
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