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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Being as there is currently no majority in the house for no deal, this would be a good thing, no? Strong leader means No Deal less likely
  2. Lord Mayor of Liverpool resigns after sharing racist video which compared a black person to a monkey in a social media group Liverpool Council Mouthpiece
  3. Come the glorious day, Minford would be one of the first swinging from a lamp post, after the umbrella manufacturers and Pull McCarthorse obviously but pretty much straight after them
  4. Can you point to a time when this particular charlatan was ever right? The only reason he gets airtime is because Thatcher liked his poll tax idea, that went well. In Academic Economics circles he's considered a crackpot, he thinks Brexit will improve the UK's GDP by 6.8%, he's absolutely that mental. He's pretty much out on a limb amongst his peers.
  5. Formula 1 and Cycling being at the top of the thread list.. oh
  6. At my daughters degree ceremony on Friday the idiot next to me's phone went off no less that three times during the ceremony. Despite the polite reminder to turn phones to silent at the beginning, despite the phone going off once and the embarrassment that caused her, she still didn't turn it off. She claimed to her husband she didn't know how to, it was an iPhone 6, not some new phone she'd only had a few days. (wrong thread I know but seemed relevant) It didn't piss me off though because the only reason they wanted phones on silent was so it didn't ruin the video they'll no doubt be attempting to sell us in the coming days.
  7. Careless Eating Costs Lives Be Brave Citizen! Brexit is our Strength!
  8. Alternatively, falling for the distraction may allow one to miss the stuff he's doing that isn't in the public view, as long as he keeps the focus on his "quirkyness" the less people tend to notice the real shit he's getting up to to help his funds
  9. Might actually focus a few minds into realising how f***ing stupid this whole fiasco is, probably not though
  10. In that case, I apologise for the tone of my comment, however JRM is a charlatan too, he doesn’t believe half that crap, it’s an act
  11. You can't be serious, he's almost as contradictory as Trump. His only rationale at any one time is, how does it play for me? what are the metrics? Does he make buses? does he shite, Does he hate Ice Pillows in Kippers? (Ukippers!) does he shite. He couldn't even make up his mind if he was leave or remain until the last minute, he even wrote two articles. Boris is all Boris believes in, the rest is just a means to an end.
  12. Is Oval Office the new term for ring-piece?
  13. Much like Boris' clown act, it's an affectation, he doesn't really believe this crap, it's all an act. Boris' pretend pigeon French act is just that, my daughter was watching him a while back doing it and said if his French was as bumbling as he pretends, he wouldn't have understood the rather nuanced thing that was said to him and certainly wouldn't have even been able to respond in the manner he supposedly attempted. She said he understood perfectly what was said to him and so much so, he gave the response in a less than perfect way throwing in lots in ums and ers and deliberately mispronouncing words slightly but, it was the correct way to respond and only someone with near perfect French would have been able to do it. He spent a good number of his childhood years in school in Belgium, he's pretty fluent And (no comma) it's exactly the same with Lord Snooty, it's all an act, he really doesn't care. He's more interested in earning vast amounts of money from his funds than any real desire to see a return to Imperial measurements, unless it's to maintain his ludicrously superior air.
  14. Russi Taylor (the voice of Minnie Mouse) gone at 75
  15. People should have to pay much much more to flee Tamuth
  16. The humour by-pass operation went well I see, congrats!
  17. It’s not like Farage doesn’t have history for doing a runner from the scene of an accident
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