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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Evidence does not need to be on the internet Peter and I'm not in the habit of posting individual peoples Facebook posts especially as in all likelihood they no longer exist
  2. You want me to do your research? You think I should record conversations I've overheard? bonkers
  3. Well my routes are in the Welsh borders but not my roots (sorry) but again not that far away either. As far back as I know the Williams side of the family were from the other side of the Elan Valley to Rhayder, from around Pontrhydfendigaid (My mother and her immediate family are buried in Strata Florida) and Ysbyty Ystwyth
  4. Sorry but I've seen the threats and downright abuse (not death threats but threats nonetheless) from Labour Party members so why you believe that hasn't happened is beyond my comprehension because I know it to be true. It's not a false trope it's the truth. I've seen it and heard it from people I know to be real people and members of her CLP and it goes back before Corbyn was even a serious contender for anything. I'm really not sure why you've convinced yourself that this isn't the case
  5. I'm sorry Peter but that bit is utter codswallop, such were the threats against her, she required a police escort. The antisemitism came before the claims of disloyalty by a number of years Her record as a constituency MP was second to none, her voting record was pretty solid too, she'd rebelled far less times that St Jezza ever did. Getting Berger out was nothing short of an Antisemitic Witch Hunt because of her support for a two state solution (which is also Labour Party policy is it not?) Its the prime example, its exactly what you were talking about
  6. I took the day off work today to take my daughter to Preston train Station. I thought it would be rude not to visit Action Records and see if there was anything I could find worthy of my money, there was (a plenty I might add, I may have to return with more money), it's almost an Aladdin's Cave of records that have been released that you can't get hold of because they've sold out elsewhere. I mean I managed to find a Snapped Ankles RSD 2018 12" EP of covers for £10 brand new still sealed, so what pissed me off that shouldn't was... They organise their records racks with solo artists being listed by their Christian Name, that sent my organisational senses into overdrive, its just F***ing wrong
  7. I wasn't that aware of Suicide at the time of their existence, I was aware of who they were and Alan Vega but never really came across their music. I have now been aware of them for some considerable time and this albums influence on such a huge canon of the music I like is undeniable. When I heard they were re-releasing it I thought I would put it on my shopping list, couldn't find it in Liverpool or Bristol but today I found it in Preston in Action Records, so now I'm listening to... 2019 red vinyl, deluxe limited edition version (not that there's any other)
  8. To be quite honest 200mil of any currency seems about enough to build a jetty, a pedal boat and a toilet in terms of military expenditure
  9. Haha, we could be related somewhere down the line, my mothers maiden name was Williams
  10. If she'd stayed Luciana Berger would have been one, She was actually back bench MP of the year last year (and is up for it again), I'm not a fan of her politics personally but as a constituency MP, serving the interests of her constituents and also representing a number of important charities in parliament she is and was tireless. And she only left because of the abuse from inside the party towards her and the antisemitic abuse started first, the deselection process that was begun was just a part of the whole antisemitic campaign from within her whole CLP against her
  11. Not from Wales as a whole but in B&R there appear to be 5 types of farmer. I would however say that this representation is probably true for the whole of Wales if not England too Tory (Leave) Lidbem (remain) NF Corporation (leave harder) NFU (remain) - I say this because it was very noticeable that any farm that had those "Welsh Farmers feeding Britain" NFU bales of hay covered in plastic outside their farms we not displaying any other political allegiance The silent majority
  12. When I was a kid your Talgarth was my Bridgend for exactly the same reason Ah sod it I drove over that crossing only a couple of days ago, bad timing or what. Nice cafe about 50 yards further on (and yes it looks shopped - the lighting is all wrong, if it was flash his servant dwarf would have copped some of the light too) The waterfall looks like one of the one's at Ystradfellte that I used to swim in as a kid, so technically it is in the constituency I'm really not sure that sending Lord Snooty and BJ the Clown is the right idea, they seem to be exactly the wrong sort of Tories to send to Wales
  13. Yes apologies my brian got its Williamson idiots confused
  14. He isn't currently a member of any party, he was back in the Labour Party for about three days before they suspended him again due to them realising for once what massive idiots they were.
  15. No No, they're ready St Jezza said so, he's been saying it since he lost the last one, repeatedly
  16. Looks like the owner of the Castle Hotel in Talgarth (NF Corporation Poster twunt)
  17. Surely they can't buy it at the point of slaughter anyway, they need to be buying it at the point of butchery, there's part of the lamb that we eat (Chops, roasting joint etc) and there's the bits we export like the less palatable bits that go to the likes of Spain and France God forbid, the government didn't understand the issue, how did they... ah f**k it we all know It was an offal plan
  18. There's an awful lot of turkeys not voting for xmas in that list
  19. Here's the Independent MPs, all 16 of them, Which way would they vote? Heidi Allen Ian Austin Luciana Berger Nick Boles Charlie Elphicke Frank Field Lady Hermon Kelvin Hopkins Ivan Lewis Steven Lloyd Jared O'Mara Gavin Shuker Angela Smith Gavin Williamson Sarah Woolaston John Woodcock
  20. If the government loses its majority overnght, what are the chances of a VONC due to the lack of majority?
  21. It's instant VONC territory. Boris could actually beat George Canning's 119 days in office
  22. Tory majority could be gone by morning. B&R by-election plus Phillip Lee considering defecting to LibDems
  23. This is partially true but the detail would reveal a rather different picture Yes Blairite Labour parachuted lots of people into seats, they however were generally chosen by the unions, the unions at the time were mostly more moderate than they are now. My MP (Bill the automaton Esterson) is a prime example The political make up of the party as a whole was vastly different in both numbers and outlook under Blair than it is today. The membership was more moderate, the membership was much smaller. Yes today the local MP is generally chosen by the local party but the local parties have been stuffed to the gills with left wingers by the likes of Momentum and again, the unions What happens now is that the local party does indeed vote for their own candidate but it's still the union man that gets elected. See Dan Carden in Liverpool Walton, he was up against the local Mayor, another leading local councillor and a local MEP but Dan had the added advantage of being the Union's choice because he was on their staff, he had no actual experience of being elected by the party and dealing with any part of our democratic process, yet he was chosen Before it was the Union man that got the seat, now, it;s the union man that gets the seat. The only think that has changed is that the unions have moved radically to the left and the selection process has the window dressing of being more democratic By and large it is still as it's always been, the unions controlling the party and that goes all the way to the top with Corbyn. The Unions have moved to the left, so has the party and so has the membership but that is all being controlled by the Unions. Blair at least managed to wrestle some control away from the unions but they were always there in the background having an influence, now it's just bigger
  24. Unbelievable doublespeak, it is actually her and her party of shit stains on humanity that are propping up the government whose actions are directly responsible for the potential break up of the Union.
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