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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Its rare that I get to quote the Spectator because I agree with something it says
  2. I caught a snippet on the news before that said at some point the crossing had moved up the road and the width of the white stripes had changed width but now it was restored to its former position with the correct width of stripes so to be exactly as it was on the album cover. They all deserve to be run over
  3. There was some woman on the news last night talking utter cock rot Her point went something like this. We're flying to Croatia, we paid for the more expensive flights with BA because you know we don't expect this to happen with them and now we're going to miss our connection in Vienna. I hindsight we should have gone for the cheaper option and flown direct with Wizz Air. Firstly I have zero sympathy because she's an idiot and secondly when was the last summer BA didn't have some sort of major incident and disruption, jeez they must be the worst carrier out of the UK for ludicrous summer interuptions
  4. I'm not convinced that is entirely accurate given the amount of continental drift, volcanic activity and erosion that has taken place in 335 million years. I mean Iceland is on it and that's only 70 million years old at the most Hell I'm no fun
  5. Macleans.ca There's more on the link including some excellent pointing out what an empty windbag Raab is but the essential bit is there in bold. Not that people weren't saying this as far back as pre-referendum times. If only things got reported like this in the UK eh?
  6. Amazing how many people still don't understand this
  7. What the Ó Neill brothers did when Fergal tried to become a pop star. That Petrol Emotion's debut album, Manic Pop Thrill This one is the first pressing (blue writing on the reverse side of the sleeve) and so far is playing well. It's also not that good and even this condition is worth less than a fiver. I seem to remember the second album was much better, I have that somewhere too Not one I'm going to let go though, it has memories... in particular a gig at a club I later owned, The Mardi Gras. Health and safety hadn't been invented in 1986. The stage was a raised section of the club and the speaker stack sat on this raised deck which wasn't the best built thing in the world, it was a tad springy.Me and a few mates who weren't actually working at the gig but crewed lots of others around that time blagged in (Not hard our mates ran the club). No one thought to put load straps on the speaker stacks and by the end of the first song ii was obvious what would happen without intervention, so me and a mate, Jill, climbed up the stacks and wedged ourselves between the top of the stacks and the roof. Foolhardy, most definitely but it worked we stabilised the stacks and the gig went on without incident. Another one of those anecdotes for the book I guess... Definitely an odd position to watch a gig from
  8. Oh gawd I've got a new one... wind chimes, f**king irritating hippy bullshit. Some throbber in the close opposite has adorned the FRONT of their house with a wind chime. The wind on the gentlest of days blows up the close like it’s a wind tunnel, it’s open at the other end directly onto the beach and dunes. So now whenever I leave the house my ears are subject to this rhythm less plinky plink plonks plink noise. Arrrrrrggghhhh! It is not remotely soothing which is it’s supposed intention, it’s ruining my peace
  9. Has Deadly Doug ever been mentioned by his proper name?
  10. I think you'd have to go down a few levels and see where it was spent
  11. It's a variation on "They need us more than we need them" with added "The German Car Manufacturers will be knocking down the door of Angela Merkel insisting we get a deal" They must have opened the cupboard marked 2016 and dusted off and old one
  12. I could probably produce a list of examples of this just from Miseryside. I rarely gamble, this is a work related illness
  13. Bat Chain Puller, needs no introduction. My favourite Beefheart album
  14. You are correct, it still has errant Beatles records in it. Thankfully no Queen has yet been discovered
  15. You do it repeatedly, personally I prefer the cross head for this job
  16. B and M have two warehouses in Speke, on opposite sides of the same road
  17. I'll go for pitched battles in the street by October
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