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Everything posted by Tegis

  1. The "mean-grills" are being outlawed for some fantastic reason not known to anyone. Tuck gets to keep his for medical reasons.
  2. Browns looked really useful. Steady QB'ing, Jackson and Lewis ran well. Niners and Broncos didn't break a sweat in regards of the starters. Surprisepackage of the day was RB C. J. Anderson. I don't trust Ramirez one bit at center so it was a relief to see Ryan Lilja handle it well.
  3. Season gamepass for 199 usd / 134gbp. (Dont need the playoff package as all those games are on TV anyway and no clashing) Are there any promo codes about to slash that even further?
  4. I just hope our running game can benefit from this. Moreno is a good back but a chronic IR. Hillman has the speed but not the size, the jury is undecided, so there's an awful lot resting on how good Montee Ball really is. Fingers firmly crossed.
  5. Yes, it was released in July. https://support.htc.com/en-uk/005-HTC_One/010/080 Checking for updates manually Go to Settings, and then tap About. Tap Software updates. HTC One checks if updates are available. Note: If you don't have Internet connection, you'll be prompted to turn on mobile data or connect to a Wi-Fi network. Once connected, tap Check now to check for updates.
  6. It's just an insane group that. Please stay healthy Please stay healthy Please stay healthy Please stay healthy Please stay healthy Please stay healthy Please stay healthy Please stay healthy Please stay healthy Please stay healthy Please stay healthy Please stay healthy Please stay healthy
  7. Tegis

    General Chat

    That concrete buffer was hilarious
  8. Nice! I like preseason games. As I don't watch a lot of collage (even less from now on as ESPN has stopped broadcasting in sweden, grrrr) its fun to take a peak at potential talent.
  9. Cushing acts like a roidmonkey as well. Tool
  10. Tegis


    Indeed. And a bloody shame about the zombies shoulder. He was getting to Aldo at that point. A couple of nice finishes, especially the Panther. Slick triangle
  11. Have they agreed HGH testing yet? Not yet. Many players have to rethink their approach one would guess
  12. So no JD Walton or Dan Koppen at center for us. Both out for the season. Double crap And Von maybe facing a 4 game suspension for....well....something
  13. It's the space you need opening the doors, when you have small kids needing help with getting in / fasten seatbelts, that is the problem. Not the walkingdistance. Those parking-spaces should be further from the entrance to the store though to minimize the hogging problem.
  14. Just lovely XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet'
  15. Tegis


    Lawler and Mighty Mouse delivers.
  16. Are they all 399? I get different quotes at times clicking the links. Very similar all 4. Slow harddrives is the drawback on them. Id go for dell or sammy if the prices are the same
  17. Tegis

    General Chat

    He passed away a few weeks ago mate. Sudden heartfailure i beleve Sounds familiar. Did you used to post on Vital Villa? Me or DDID? I didn't for what its worth
  18. Tegis

    General Chat

    He passed away a few weeks ago mate. Sudden heartfailure i beleve
  19. Those bikinis without a strap around the neck. They turn even a nice set of juggs into something resembling a croissant. Why?!?
  20. I look forward to when the topic turns into "What phone/computer/tablet/os do you use"
  21. That is real frightening shit. The woman has absolutely no clue what she is messing with. And she's an MP ?!?
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