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Everything posted by Tegis

  1. Had my missus proof-reading your situation for reference. She agrees, nutjob She agrees that the Portuguese girl is a nutjob or she agrees with the Portugese girl and therefore your missus is a nutjob? The first one.......and she does a lovely nutjob
  2. Tegis

    Ice rink

    waaaah! Kill it with........water
  3. Had my missus proof-reading your situation for reference. She agrees, nutjob
  4. Quoting this to make sure it's on more than one page.
  5. http://www.expansys.com/google-nexus-4-16gb-black-252190/ Not cheap though at £310
  6. Bought one for my old man as he is retiring and not keeping his iphone. Great price! Hope he doesn't flip over the OS-change. Old people and changes does not compute
  7. We managed to score the Rams points as well it felt. Squeaked the win anyway Turnovers are so bloody apparent. Manning completed 25 of 34 passes for 234 yards in one half, and we still trailed on points. Unreal! Hillman fumbled his way out of contention for starting RB I would think. Ball just has pass coverage against him, both he and Moreno ran it well.
  8. Tegis

    Windows 8

    Don't have a win8 machine so no idea. Will have one with new ultrabook in a few months This one
  9. Tegis

    General Chat

    Are u talking about the first time or the first time DHUTUWU? Earned his Brown wings is the key phrase here
  10. Tegis

    Windows 8

    They have fixed the broken search at least
  11. Everyone should have already done this. Even I love Salma. "So Quentin wrote an entire movie so Salma Hayek would stick her toes down his mouth and pour booze down her leg.. Well played, Tarantino. Well played"
  12. Tegis

    Windows 8

    Ballmer retires!
  13. My son has now taken the life of both my old phones, the Desire Z and the (indestructible) S2. He'll be on dumb-phone duty for a while.
  14. Yep, the Note 3 will be announced september 4th I think. The 2 is Galaxy S3 hardware. Wait for the Note 3 or go S4/One
  15. Was just about to post. Bummer! But the lad needs to shape the **** up. It's not the first time he does something rather stupid.
  16. Christ?!?! You have a "hard" choice to make. Follow your dick I suppose. Both stunning birds.
  17. Never happened to me, was it an old pump? edit: meh, what Jon said
  18. And the ones who clog up the entire station thinking they have to reverse in so they get the cap on the "right" side. IT WILL REACH ANYWAY!!!!!!! gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
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