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Everything posted by AntrimBlack

  1. Thanks, SGC. A very good player. Stands out. He could be a good one.
  2. Is McKirdy the player with the rolled down socks ala Grealish?
  3. Not exactly a great endorsement!!
  4. Yes. I would have thought we would be looking at upgrades rather than cover. And what about our much-vaunted youth system? Is there any point in having one if we are not producing players decent enough for cover at this level.
  5. Terry, Jedinak, McCormack, Elphick, possibly Whelan and Elmohamadi. Although I was not being totally serious, just tickled by the ``new team'' description.
  6. That'll be why we've been signing all the oldies.
  7. Well, Terry may think Bruce is a good/ excellent/whatever manager, but to date all we know is that last season Bruce failed miserably, even after being able to bolster an already capable squad for this division with what I considered to be good purchases. And as for Redknapp, that is a convenient soundbite. It is pretty bloody obvious. And it explains nothing about Bruce's poor performance last season; he had good enough players, he just did not know how to manage them.
  8. But things will have to change. If we don't have a more aggressive offensive system this season, I don't see us getting out of this division. So there should be a place for him. Hogan is another guy who would benefit from a change of system.
  9. This guy has talent. Would much rather see him in the team than Gardner or Bacuna.
  10. He excels in that position just behind the striker, a position where we badly need someone.
  11. John Terry. Great lad. Always liked him.
  12. Agreed. And I would not underestimate the possibility of being able to do his badges and coach or assistant manage perhaps at Aston Villa.
  13. I think you are correct, John. And it would be quite a sweetener for an ambitious guy like Terry.
  14. It is probably a little shallow of me, but if he plays his part in getting us promoted, I can live with any baggage he may bring with him.
  15. I agree. I thought the signings were good - I was thinking more of how they were managed.
  16. I think you may just have come up with an excellent all-purpose group name there.
  17. Or, pro-Villa. And, last time I looked, Bruce will be heading our `promotion charge', so quite reasonable that he should figure in discussions about same.
  18. This worries me. It smacks of the January window, and look how badly wrong that went.
  19. I think he is already good enough. We have a habit of not playing young players untill they are 22/23, unlike many other teams. As for pressure, the confidence of youth will always carry them through.
  20. He is another midfielder, I think. But an Irish international, so that's good.
  21. Is that good or bad? I don't gamble, so don't have a clue.
  22. He had to be given 2 seasons because he did not achieve what we all expected from him.
  23. I suspect the vast majority of VT'ers have never done the sort of things Terry has done. There is a middle ground, you know, we don't have to be saints or sinners - we can be something in between.
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