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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. Don't the leadership come out and say something like " we suggest that you vote for candidate x"? That doofus McCluskey has said that Unite aren't backing anyone until their committee has met later in the month, at which the candidates are welcome to make their case. So presumably they'll take a position on the subject at some point...
  2. Struggling to think who was the last leader of a major party who excelled in their professional field, then moved into politics on the back of what they had achieved in their career. Rather than just trod the same boards of university / job for 5-10 years / politics foreverafter.
  3. Not standing is he? Pretty sure he's already said he's supporting Long-Bailey.
  4. Presumably would have been Rosena Allin-Khan. From what I've seen and read, she seems very good. More hers and fewer Richard Burgons and things would probably be a lot better for the party.
  5. 1. He's a Labour MP 2. Loads of people think he stopped being an MP to become a mayor ages ago, possibly confusing him a bit with Andy Burnham. 3. Loads of people are surprised to learn that he is still a Labour MP.
  6. John Tyler, born 1790. 10th President of the USA. Has two living grandchildren.
  7. [conspiracy theory] They need to suggest somebody really, REALLY unelectable to make the really unelectable Rebecca Long-Bailey seem like the compromise candidate in comparison [/theory] Edit - ignore this. That would credit these people with some level of strategic thinking and forward planning.
  8. I do an occasional internet order. I've usually used Beermerchants.com for my annual Christmas selection, but this time used beerofbelgium.com. The former is good for a wide international selection but more expensive as it's all UK imported, the latter great if you like your Belgians. As it's a warehouse in Flanders it's very cheap for the beer, but the postage is by weight - a mate and I paid €20 for our joint 50 bottle shipment. Or if you're local to Brum (I'm not anymore), I've been led to believe that Stirchley Wines have it. Where it probably costs £5 for 33cl rather than €3.60. Worth every penny, either way. Edit - I've just remembered, The Wellington and Post Office Vaults both have it. Although the last time I was in the latter was that horrendous friendly against Parma in 2014. So I assume they still do.
  9. Fair. I've taken a bit against 6 and 8. I sit there, resentful that it's not a 10. They're still fine. They're just not 10. I also had to down several bottles of 8 on my stag do once upon a time, and it brings back queasy memories.
  10. Well worth it. Best (regularly affordable) beer I've ever had. At 11.3% it's more of a "sip with dessert" rather than "pints with mates" drink though!
  11. There's something very Weekend At Bernie's about Prince Phillip leaving hospital
  12. ml1dch


    I had Joseph Yobo this week with a few to spare.
  13. If you replace Labour with the Lib Dems in the "how are the good guys getting on" graphic, you're still taking about a bit of a horror show.
  14. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Good to know his career recovered after letting that Matt Le Tissier shot through his legs at Old Trafford in '99.
  15. Depends. If the leader is being made in a test tube formed from one part oestrogen, one part anti-immigrant rhetoric and one part Unison membership just to satisfy "the homogenous North" then they probably just end up with similar problem to now.
  16. I guess the obvious answer is "it depends on what the political landscape looks like in five years". Unless you're expecting a Johnson Government to actually result in a big improvement in peoples' lives in the likes of Wrexham and Bury, Brexit might have lost it's sparkle and shine for those voters in 2024. Apart from "fewer foreign people in London" what quantifiable improvements do you expect those seats in the North will be thanking Johnson for in five years?
  17. The aim of the two main parties' leadership has suddenly converged to hope for the same thing - make sure the Corbynite faction clings on to power in the Labour party.
  18. He has a withdrawal agreement that specifies the terms of our departure. We now get to argue for the next decade about what happens next. And it's not going to be pretty.
  19. That was a very nice ten hour sleep. I see my Lib Dem MP increased her majority by seven points. I assume it's similarly good news everywhere else in the country?
  20. Yup, turns out that on the whole the the UK in 2019 is just as morally repugnant as it was in 2016.
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