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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. Solve the social care crisis by getting the people in need of social care to go and do it. I guess we'll never know until we try it...
  2. That's not what (2) above is. They absolutely will put a border there. They will just lie and say that they haven't. It's not as if any of the people who voted for them will know any different.
  3. ml1dch

    Joe Lolley

    100th appearance for Nottingham Forest today. Some cracking goals in that clip. Good on him.
  4. Pop quiz - who is now, the longest continuously serving member of the cabinet? Probably not a huge surprise therefore, just how screwed everything is.
  5. Be interesting to see if Johnson gets to keep his job in Cummings' cabinet reshuffle.
  6. Good thing that everyone likes pointless red tape and extra costs.
  7. I'd have thought that providing evidence that you're an ugly, prejudiced dickbag was more likely to be grounds for promotion to the cabinet rather than a reason to have the whip removed for this Government.
  8. Not for another 11 months as all the same rules are in place. From next January, probably, but to what extent will depend on what you are coming to the UK to do.
  9. "It's a celebration! A party! A new dawn!" This is definitely a mentally healthy group of people.
  10. Sounds like a good idea. The "should we join the EU?" thread can be started in the morning. As it's what the next ten years will be spent arguing about.
  11. I've not claimed otherwise. I've simply pointed out that "if you didn’t vote for Labour in the last election, you have actively preferred to have a Conservative government" is a really dumb thing to say.
  12. So I should have voted Labour, who always get around 10-15% of the vote, in my one-time Tory/ Lib Dem marginal, now relatively safe Lib Dem seat should I?
  13. I'd suggest that "temporarily shelved" might be a better description. France, like many countries are probably going to postpone any big decisions on how to deal with that box of angry syphilitic wasps until they see how November plays out.
  14. It wasn't premature to put him as favourite. The data at the time pointed to that outcome, so he was. If the data moves to indicate an increase of support for Long-Bailey then she'll be considered the favourite. If it changes again then someone else will be. I don't think either the early YouGov poll or this Survation one are going to look anything like the final numbers, but I'd speculate that a poll of people taken from the subscriber database of Labourlist.org (while undoubtedly not a small number), is not automatically going to tally with the whole membership.
  15. Stick with the current MO I expect. Do nothing, say they've fixed it and hope that enough of the country don't bother to look any further. Then say that any small local issues that people might experience are the fault of foreign scroungers or Brussels. Why change a winning formula?
  16. Their election literature also seemed pretty certain that a strong SNP showing was a mandate for a new referendum. If the issue was sorted six years ago, why were they saying last month that a vote for the SNP would mean a new referendum?
  17. No Clive Lewis but everyone else is through to the next round for both leader and deputy.
  18. Guess with my Serie A / Liga hybrid I've got a bit of rejigging to do.
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