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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    For additional context, Bill Clinton, whose eight year stint ended two decades ago is still five years younger than the two Democrats candidates.
  2. Pretty appropriate given the emotional breakdown that the country has decided it's going to have.
  3. And also the sort of thing that a Government with an 80 seat majority would be daft to agree to.
  4. So...you played some fun games against real people and on the strength of that you bought the game. Then you played some games against the AI which were rubbish. And you don't understand what is the difference? At least you're not one of the idiots playing those fun games* against real people. *obviously not that fun. But the worst game against a human is still more fun than the most fun game against a computer.
  5. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Bloomberg suspends his campaign. Just $11m dollars spent to get each of his 44 delegates.
  6. Chesham Dogging Society there, showing better preparation and forward planning than the US Government.
  7. I wonder if their election season, which will see two men in their seventies wandering around shaking every hand they can find for five months might have an interesting twist at the end of the narrative.
  8. That's a rather disingenuous article. "Not critically important to the country's economy" isn't the same as "not needed". Something can be both economically non-essential and yet still important for a host of other reasons. I expect that the current shambles actually won't care too much about the various environmental, cultural and security reasons to maintain a solid agricultural sector either but this particular advisor is just stating economic reality.
  9. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    The story of a family of con-artists scamming themselves into a nice house? Sounds like his kind of thing to me.
  10. You auto-corrected "sweater" rather than "sweetener". So an artificial sweater might be like the mixed fabrics that the more mental parts of the Bible say are evil. It was a...actually, you know what, never mind.
  11. Socialists have been doing that for decades anyway. After all, all proper tea is theft.
  12. Jacob Rees-Mogg there, settling down to a nice bag of crisps with his pal the Grim Reaper.
  13. Like in a Leviticus 19:19, "thou shalt not wear a garment of mixed linen and wool" sort of way?
  14. Yes Zac, that exactly how the peasants hold their drinks. You're fitting in brilliantly.
  15. Hmm. While I'm sure the sentiments are absolutely still valid:
  16. My father's ex-girlfriend from their University of Essex days, so he claims. Given he used to sell copies of Socialist Worker, I am however inclined to take his claim with a pinch of salt.
  17. Is that particularly surprising? Were you expecting them to all want to increase their contributions?
  18. It's one of those scenes which is seared into my brain. I remember watching it as a youngish teenager, assuming it was just a musical set at some point in time in Germany. When it moved explicitly into "rise of the Nazis" territory with that scene I was shocked that a musical was allowed to do that. To my naive mind, it was as if Mary Poppins had featured a bit where Mrs Banks is trampled to death by the king's racehorse.
  19. Partial to a little garden party sing-a-long as well.
  20. "If you resign from the Labour Party and don't trigger a by-election then your punishment will be... expulsion from the Labour Party" *slow hand-clap*
  21. Unless he does something uncharacteristically stupid, you'd think this will pretty much seal it?
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