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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. Plenty of posts in the last few weeks saying how a hung Parliament would be best. I've said the same myself, but I've about-turned and medium-term I think it would be awful. Next few months? Brilliant. Drama continues. Johnson humiliated. Brexit racists deflated. But then what? It's a shit show. More squabbling. Probably a referendum. Probably even a remain result. But nothing else gets passed. The only thing that unites the 48-52% of the Commons is the only thing that unites them. An election in 10 months is fought on "see! We told you they'd be shit and they proved it! Vote Johnson and his policy of we'll do whatever the person he's taking to at that moment wants!" This is a long term conflict and things are going to be worse before they are better, whatever the result tonight. I'm off to bed. Good luck everyone.
  2. I've voted at two today, five hours apart and there was nobody at either.
  3. In this particular circumstance, I think it would be. In a working Parliament where "everyone but Johnson" is >1, a vote of no confidence goes in - which party or MP is the vote(s) that keep him in power? It's plausibly the DUP, but even they seem to hate him now.
  4. Given their central policies are completely at odds with each other, which Tory policies would you see the Lib Dems supporting?
  5. And more to the point, without that single allied MP, a vote of no confidence would be in before his first appearance in the Commons.
  6. That's very unfair. I'm not a Labour voter and I'm still abusive to Conservatives.
  7. I'm sure any comment on the picture would probably be libellous, so I'll keep schtum.
  8. And in other dumb hypotheticals, what happens if water doesn't make things wet?
  9. Presumably you're not counting in that the various Telegraph columnists and Conservative PPCs who have been sharing faked reports that it didn't happen?
  10. If you're cooking for vegans, I'd suggest summer rolls instead of spring rolls. If the setting fits, let people make their own. Couple of dipping sauces and you're away.
  11. Is expect it to be more "who the hell are you, get off my estate"
  12. ml1dch


    Had an email read out on the Football Ramble today. Straight on my list of achievements, just above "once holding a door open for a Chuckle Brother" and below "once doing an opening DJ set for The Cheeky Girls"
  13. Sounds like talent to me. He's still a horrendous prick leading a party of racists though.
  14. You should still just vote for whichever of the two is more likely to beat the Conservative candidate in your constituency. That is true today and was true on the day the election was called.
  15. Well, fair play to old Brillo. Belter of a three minutes.
  16. Also I can't imagine why a fringe party standing in half the seats, polling at 3% in the polls has received such a large amount of roubles. Sorry, pounds.
  17. That in itself is a pretty powerful electoral coalition though.
  18. I can't think of anything potentially funnier than a hung Parliament caused by a massive drop in Tory support because rural areas are snowed in and people can't get out to vote.
  19. Yup. They understand that it'll be reposted again and again across the internet by people laughing at it, amplifying the message much further than it otherwise would have been. 4% of political nerds laugh. 96% aren't aware of the tiny writing that they are laughing at and just take the message that it's intending to communicate. Like the Comic Sans poster. It's not accidental.
  20. Probably a bit unfair. She's doing precisely the job that the people who pay her wages expect her to do.
  21. Unfortunately, that's being ripped apart and having racist graffiti scrawled over it's walls by the headline policy of the only viable alternative Government.
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