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Everything posted by Wainy316

  1. Naomi called me at 16:54 with a query. I said send me everything you have and I'll have a look in the morning. She said "thanks very much" My work is so laid back it's almost unbelievable to new starters for the first few weeks. Naomi sounds hot.
  2. Paintballing episodes always rule. Spaced and Peep Show spring to mind.
  3. The Rock was Michael Bay? But, but, it's actually okay.
  4. Morrisey has given us far superior music so the answer is Kanye.
  5. A few weeks ago I asked how I'd know a signed Dennis Mortimer picture on ebay was real. My fears were allayed and I bought it. However, how would I know this is real because I would expect it to be at a few hundred quid by now.... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321664977637?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  6. Munging sounds very specific. A lot of work required.
  7. Boiled potatoes and spinach too. They love that shit.
  8. can't disagree with any of them, though I haven't spotted any toilet fumblers I had the misfortune recently of having to use the train more often than not for a couple of weeks and I'd say that of 7 or 8 journeys 4 or 5 were late or cancelled. By late, I mean properly 20 or 30 minutes late note 90 seconds. The odd thing is, I bet when the stats are issued they'll show 98.7% reliability. I've often wondered if I just have a gift for selecting the 1.3% of trains that stop for suicides, piracy, cable theft, dickheads jogging on the line and deer rampage. I used to travel a lot with EasyJet in a previous job, they would always take off late... but amazingly land on time. They used to advertise the journey usually 30 or 40 minutes longer than it really was so when they took off late they had a better chance of keeping the pecentage of flights LANDING on time stat up high. Pretty sure they all do that and the flight time includes the time spent taxiing.
  9. Today!? Ruddy hell, that's gone quick! Paddy, he's now 73 and we're technically dead.. that's how long it's been! [emoji20] Move to Sweden, you get the best part of a year.
  10. No shame there. I had a 20 man Hasbro battle royal last time I went to my parents.
  11. He seems very keen to try and beat his man it's just Ivanovic had his number the other day. Think he'll do well against weaker opposition.
  12. Just in time to give them a new manager lift for their game against us
  13. What's the law for leaving in/taking figures out of the box?
  14. Didn't look remotely like scoring after going 2-1 down.
  15. I was exposed to 'The Purge: Anarchy' tonight. Don't make the same mistake.
  16. If IS want to be true to Wahhabism and their desire to revert to Islam as they saw it in the 7th century then they need to stop fighting using guns for starters.
  17. Meh, they've quashed potential meteoric rises in Wyatt and Ambrose already. I don't trust them with anyone.
  18. Just for clarity, are you a vegetarian? I am going to defend it by the way, if you are vegetarian, why halal specifically? If you arent, would you prefer your meat to be cuddled to death? I'm pretty sure he is a vegetarian. The pies on his face must be quite bland Why particularly halal though? The sheep incident is not representative of all halal slaughter.
  19. The very first episode shows a bunch of SHA fans crowding out the Garrison on a match day.
  20. I have a decent base of German so I'm wondering whether to keep on with it or start from scratch with something more useful such as Spanish. I reckon I've probably said that in this thread already.
  21. No it's a Japanese/Korean thing. His son is the odd one.
  22. Ghey It's genuinely a good story, with fantastic music. Ghey
  23. On the cheese front, again British is underrated.
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