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Everything posted by JoshVilla

  1. Took his goal very well. I think we've got a pretty handy player on our hands here. With more game time and experience in the league he'll hopefully keep getting better.
  2. Crap tactics. Can't soak up as much pressure as we did and expect to win games. We've pulled it off once or twice, but it's really tempting fate when you allow a team to have that much possession. At 1-0 up, we really need to be more careful when we have the ball. When it becomes obvious that the hoofing isn't working, yet we continue to do it, then we're really just relying on luck. Shame, as I thought that we'd be able to push on after Bacuna's goal and take advantage of their vulnerable position. Nevermind. Let's just hope we give Wet Spam a good hammering (no pun intended), 5 points from the bottom now and teams are beginning to creep up the table. Need to get this wins in sooner rather than later.
  3. Injury stricken Everton side and we let them come at us. Wake up Villa!!
  4. Nice finish from Bacuna. We look happy to just defend and I'm pleased we've got the goal, but I'm still very worried. We're soaking up a hell of a lot of pressure so we need to be a bit more tidy in possession. Please hold on lads, this'd be massive if we could pull this off.
  5. Strange lineup, not how I'd have expected to set up. Their defence is gonna be pretty slow so I'd have gone ultra-attacking, and without Lukaku especially there's no need to be this defensive.
  6. It's a shame that we didn't bring a midfielder in as I do think that it would help our home form, but perhaps just nothing was coming off for Lambo. I guess he was relieved we beat WBA the other night, as, if we hadn't, then there would be an absolute sh*tstorm going on after not signing anybody to lift the fans. I just hope that we finally sort out the positions that need sorting in the summer.
  7. The first Metal Gear Solid on PS1 evokes brilliant memories for me. It was a pretty game changing...erm, game, and IMO will always go down as one of the all time greats. I can't imagine it'd have the same impact now if it was to be played for the first time, but at the time it was just astonishing (especially the Cyborg Ninja first cut scene, I was completely cacking my pants). I played that game millions of times but never actually played any of the others after that, but the missus got me the HD collection for xmas (MGS2, MGS3 & Snake Eater) so I'm making up for everything I've missed. It's a brilliant series.
  8. Well, what can I say? That's a proper derby game. Like many others have said, being 2 down inside 10 minutes was horrible, and I feared a battering at worst or a 2-2 draw at best. It's not just the result that's brilliant, but having the character the fight back from that is really admirable. Delph scored a screamer, Weimann was ace, Benteke got his 3rd in 3 and we got a very crucial win. Oh and.........WBA Pride of the Midlands???? hahahahahahahahahahahaha
  9. So.....are we good or shit? After scoring 3 in a single half after being 2-0 down then we deserve to bloody win this. It'll be beyond disappointing if we don't at least get a point from this. Please lads, more of the same attack-wise but tighten up defensively. Praying now....
  10. Obviously, we've only seen him in 1 game so far this season, but to be thrown in straight away when he's not match fit, and it's away to Liverpool, he really had a very promising debut. We'll see how he gets on from now until the end of the season, but if he carries on the way that he started then getting him in on a permanent deal would be a very good bit of business. We'd have plenty of cover for that position and a good amount of competition, as well as (finally!) a pretty solid looking LB. Let's just hope that he enjoys his loan spell here. If he's getting constant game time and has a good experience with us then he may well find us an attractive destination, especially if he's looking to break into the England squad long-term.
  11. No doubt that this'll be a 4-3-3, since it looks like our front 3 could be hitting some form, so: Goose Bacuna Vlaar Clark Bertrand Sylla Westwood Delph Gabby Benteke Weimann Something like that? I'd like to see Gardner given a go though, as I reckon that he'd put a good shift in for a derby. Just go at them. They haven't got as much pace on the counter as us, so I would say that attack is the best form of defence. In the same way that we did at Liverpool, we need to be pressurising them from the first whistle with fast, forward play. There would be no greater game to start sorting the home form out, and a win would be absolutely crucial at this point to finishing comfortably mid table. Come on lads, let's 'ave em!
  12. Bloody hell. Get over it, Norwich.
  13. This'd be the perfect game to try to sort out home form out. The last game and a half has given fans something to feel positive about, and a derby win would really give us some smiles. A win would also give us some distance from the scrap at the bottom and keep us in 10th, which I think is probably what we'll end up aiming for. We just need to go for it in the same way that we did at Liverplop. Keep pushing, start strongly and...feed the beast!
  14. So proud of the lads after last night. That first half was phenomenal from us. I never expected us to be 2-0 up at Anfield. I think, at the time, I still thought Liverpool would come back into it but to keep Suarez from scoring at home is a great achievement. Hopefully the team will have some belief that they can give anybody a good game, and carry that through to the baggies game. There would be no better game to reward the home fans with. UTV
  15. We NEED to get the next goal now. If they score, especially early into the second half, then no doubt they'll remember how they've been playing this season and the floodgates will open, and I really can't see us keeping Suarez quiet. More of the same though in the second half, please. That was pretty tremendous...
  16. Don't know whether putting Bertrand in straight away would happen, since he probably will have trained with us just once, but still, I'd go... Guzan Lowton Vlaar Clark Bertrand Bacuna Westwood Delph Gabby Benteke Albrighton If Baker is out then we won't be able to do 352 unless someone else covers him, but with Bacuna and Lowton rotating positions, that'd be pretty good if we were just gonna go for it.
  17. Great signing. I'd like to see a back 4 of Lowton, Vlaar, Clark and Bertrand, with Bacuna infront of Lowton and rotating with him. That's not a bad defence there.
  18. Did very well yesterday. He's not quite consistent yet, but for his first season in the PL, he's showing some real promise and signs that he'll become a good, important player for us. It's great to see him playing a positive game, getting forwards, making good runs and not bad at shooting. Well done lad.
  19. I thought we were holding them off pretty well until Baker went off. Having to switch things up like that turned us into a bit of a rabbit in the headlights, but it looked a lot better after half time when we had the time to organise the back properly during the break. If only we could play like we did in the second half all season.
  20. So disappointed. He may well be just a short term cover for Kozak and (hopefully) will cost us next to nothing, but I always disliked him as a player. I just always thought he was a bit of a horrible footballer, more of a rugby player. This isn't what I thought our team has in mind in terms of a player to help push us forward, and surely our style of play shouldn't gravitate towards a player like this....
  21. Wouldn't mind a PM too, sounds interesting...
  22. Found an article with no quotes claiming that we're back in for Kiyotake this window. Maybe that? I don't believe it, personally, especially due to the lack of quotes, even though I'd like it to be true.
  23. To be fair to him, against Sheffield, he was one of the few players to me who looked like he cared and wanted to make something happen. He made some great runs and often didn't get picked out, so he'd run into some space, not receive a pass, and then vanish again. Obviously, we can wonder why he didn't get a pass, and I'm sure we can think of a few reasons, but at least he's getting himself into some decent areas and thinking positively. It goes without saying if a player isn't performing to a level that we'd expect then they'll be criticized. That's how it works, not just in football, but in anything in life; if someone doesn't perform, then people will notice. Saying that, I do think that he has some attributes that could well be very useful. He's rather pacey IMO, and I've seen him deliver some pretty nice crosses. He's a young lad in a new country, thrown into one of the toughest leagues in the world, so there must be a pretty hefty amount of pressure there, especially when brought into a team that have just survived a relegation battle. I've been as frustrated as most people with Tonev, especially when it comes to being wasteful when produced with a good opportunity to either score or create something, but I think that, given time and coaching (if we have faith in our coaches), we can iron out some of the creases and produce a decent player. He's not going to be world class, and I don't imagine that we'll turn him into a nailed on starter week in, week out, but he can still be another option, especially if he cuts out unnecessary shooting and bursts down the wings on the counter and puts some crosses in. It's frustrating when we sign a player and really expect that he'll help us push on and we end up disappointed, but hopefully he'll get more comfortable, work hard in training and continue to develop. Maybe a loan could help to ease some pressure. I'm not saying that because it's his first season he shouldn't be criticized, I just think (hope!) that he's not the finished article and could still become a pretty useful player for us.
  24. I think Lambo will play a 3-5-2 and pack the midfield. That's really what you'd expect to do against Arsenal (even though that's not what we did on the opening day, but we're at home). It's not beyond the realms of possibility to get something out of this (vs Man City style), but it's going to have to be a matter of taking our chances when they come, because I doubt we'll get many. I can't help but think that they shouldn't really be where they are. They have some fantastic players, don't get me wrong, and should still be way up there, but I think that there's a weakness there to be exploited.
  25. It was last week when we needed a striker who can score against League One opposition. A bit late now...
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