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Everything posted by BOF

  1. Man's going through a bad patch at the same time his direct competition is in the form of his Villa life and one of the best outfield players we've got this season. Bad timing for Moussa no doubt, but he'll be back. He showed early on what he's made of. We've still got a star on our hands.
  2. Job done. Finish it off now lads. Wasn't pretty, but that's life in Europe sometimes. One of the worst refs (and his guessing helpers) I've ever seen. Martinez was absolute class, as shown by the MOTM votes.
  3. We've had our 15 minutes of sussing them out. Turn the screw now please.
  4. Nope Of course they count. If you score away from home it counts as one goal.
  5. It's not who I want. It's who I think. There'll be a clamour for Luiz and I think we replace him with Guendouzi.
  6. With the glut of talent that we will inevitably and eventually see coming out of the U21 side, you'd wonder where we'll put them all. Obviously we'll find room for the very special ones, and that in itself will justify what we do with the academy. That's its whole "raison detray" (©Del Trotter). We'll definitely be letting some very good players leave for far less than they're worth though. Simply because at the time they'll be unproven. I guess that's the nature of having a top academy. It overflows with gems and you can only accommodate very few. Especially if you yourself are competing at the sharp end of the league and have to buy your fair share of top talent from across the world. Ho hum. First world problems.
  7. BOF

    Formula One - 2024

    So Audi's takeover of Sauber has been completed by some accounts. Reports are saying they've upped their stake (no pun intended) from 25% to 100%. So they're not messing around. Total takeover.
  8. Whoever chose the typeface for the number 60 needs to be shot in the face with a ball of their own shite.
  9. Our one saving grace is we are less likely to drop off at home as we are away. Fingers crossed.
  10. BOF

    General Chat

    How about David Mellor in (just) his Chelsea shirt.
  11. We've not won 4 league games in a row yet this season... We've won 3 in a row 3 times. We're currently on 3 in a row.
  12. FP Liverpool victory and results updated.
  13. BOF

    Formula One - 2024

    Hey I'm only quoting Piastri Yes it's early.
  14. BOF

    Formula One - 2024

    Red Bull aren't as far ahead as everyone else thought they would be, and being one more year into a stable set of rules tends to close up the grid. I'd definitely give it the first 5 or 6 races and see how competitive it is.
  15. Think I'll roll. Not risking Solanke, and with Hwanker injured, I'll just trust Darwin and Luiz. 2 FTs for 28 then. A luxury I haven't had in yonks
  16. Given the fixtures in 29, it'll pretty much be a pre-defined template for free hitters, and then everyone else fumbling to keep up. If you've ended up with a decent GW29 team without a free hit then you've probably had shite gameweeks for the past month or 2.
  17. Ben Mee out for the season with a knee injury.
  18. BOF

    Formula One - 2024

    Interesting and entertaining F3 race just there. 16 year old debutant and Red Bull junior driver, Arvid Lindblad, in a Prema winning the sprint race.
  19. BOF


    I'm not ignoring you by the way. I'm just so out of touch with what's happening in the city centre these days. All the advice I've put in here over the years is probably still all I know about the place. Other than the restaurants changing, it'll probably all still be relevant too. Apart from the prices. They'll have gone up. In fact they've gone up since I started typing this post. I'll have a think about restaurants and post back. But definitely go for an Abrakebabra
  20. BOF

    Formula One - 2024

    Does it now. Any word on her flappy paddles ? * That was purely for comedic effect.
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