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Everything posted by BOF

  1. BOF

    Formula One - 2024

    * checks notes * Yes.
  2. Can't believe this was on page 3. Anyway. I'm off to AC/DC I thought I missed that boat. It was one of my regrets. But now I get to do it. So, yay
  3. I think I'll give this one 24 hours before posting my thoughts
  4. Went for the spiciest Pringles I could find in the aisle the other day. Three out of three chilli graphic and "Extra hot" emblazoned across the front. That'll do donkey. Glanced and saw that they were chilli flavour of some description but didn't notice until I eat one later that they were also (very) cheese flavoured. So, cheese and chilli. Sounds decent. And it is, for about 5 or 6 chips. But it gets bloody weird after that. I don't know how they've managed it but both flavours manage to stay completely separate from each other in your mouth. I think it's because one (the chilli) affects the nose moreso, and the other very much concentrates on the mouth. They're decently spicy for a crisp (i.e. not at all), but if you're a crisp scoffer who starts and finishes whatever you've opened in one sitting, they actually become unpleasant. They're also hyper hyper seasoned. Like, I LOVE my salted snacks but I have never, and I mean never encountered a crisp or a nut or anything of that nature that has made me incredibly thirsty as fast as these things did. All in all, from the flavour and its weird effect. Won't be buying again. If you want decently spicy but also delicious then go for the infinitely superior Walkers Jalapeno and cheese.
  5. Isn't Valentine's Day February 16th in Yorkshire, cuz the cards are 50% off.
  6. Me neither. Quite how I've managed the latter I do not know.
  7. Almost half the league play this weekend, including us(!) against 11th placed Boro.
  8. Trippier and Saka are your other 2 obvious omissions. EDIT : Or Jota.
  9. I was rolling. Now I'm not. But I'll use it to ease my GW26 and free some funds. But it'll probably be another **** -4 in GW26 now.
  10. BOF

    General Chat

    18 & 3. I'm quite happy with that. EDIT : Actually 4.
  11. Nah, to be quite honest I say do whatever's fun. If your season is petering out or you're losing interest then do the thing that makes it fun again. The thing that; if it goes well; could resurrect your season or your interest. I did it with an early wildcard at the start and it saved me.
  12. Swansea and Everton results updated, plus all other league results. Excel issues resolved
  13. BOF

    Formula One - 2024

    Oh and just out of my own interest's sake, Irish racer Alex Dunne has found a seat with MP Motorsport on the F3 grid, and in his first practice session was 2nd fastest. I think this lad is seriously quick over a lap. I hope he can improve his race pace, as he seemed to lose his tyres quite often in GB3. Still did very well in the Championship mind, coming a close 2nd to Callum Voisin.
  14. BOF

    Formula One - 2024

    Technical and sporting regulation change sections have been updated in the front page.
  15. BOF

    Formula One - 2024

    Mercedes AMG F1 W15
  16. BOF

    Formula One - 2024

    Aston Martin AMR24
  17. I'm only going to brag because it's a bit bizarre. The gap between me and 2nd place in the h2h is more than the gap between 2nd and 23rd.
  18. BOF

    Formula One - 2024

    The Race reckon Antonelli is Mercedes' Plan 'A' to replace Hamilton in 2025, assuming he does what they expect in F2 this year. They have Alonso as a plan 'B'. So that would be an 18 year old Antonelli in F1 at a top team having skipped F3 and had 1 year in F2. I'm really looking forward to seeing him this year in F2. He seems to be a properly stellar talent.
  19. Yeah I'm supposed to start flexibility physio this week for 3 weeks. Not a chance. That's not me talking, that's my ankle talking.
  20. Never even got to the party. Was on the way to one. Turned around in the dark on the way down the stairs (in a rush) to talk to herself. Thought I was at the bottom, miscounted and confidently planted on the edge of the 2nd last step. Foot completely folded under and I landed in a ball. So 2024 has been just great.
  21. Oh and the referee will be one making his Premier League debut, so yay for that.
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