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Everything posted by StefanAVFC

  1. And Rocket League and Trials Fusion.
  2. Rocket League and Trials Fusion
  3. Quite possibly the oldest viral video ever Sweden is so far behind
  4. totally forgot how incredible the entire album is.
  5. Yeah you summed up his inadequacies fairly well there.
  6. Having your confidence shot by being treated unfairly isn't even mental weakness. This is baffling.
  7. Nonsense. Humans are humans. People get affected by different things.
  8. I did deluge on single player last night after you all buggered off. Almost 500 faulted it on an easy bit
  9. Not the point I was making but there you go
  10. Exactly. How can it get worse Agreeing with Hanoi.
  11. 'Ain't' good enough to start for Valencia at 20 years old is hardly damning.
  12. Get on an hour earlier tonight if you can
  13. So at the very worst, it's a guy who knows what he's talking about, misunderstanding what Sherwood is talking about, and responding to that with valid points. Very different to 'awful article' isn't it?
  14. And even then, it's hardly awful. Massive overreaction.
  15. You'd think he'd know more about the Football League than the man who's never managed or worked in the Football League. Especially considering he works in the very area that Sherwood says scouts don't go to. I'd trust his opinion over Sherwood's. And KHV, it's not an article. It's an email written word for word by the guy who works at Fleetwood.
  16. Yeah, a man who actually works in football and is the junior secretary of a Football League club knows nothing and Sherwood is right
  17. I'm not disagreeing with you. Both statements are equally stupid after 3 games in the job. Predicting he will be the worst after 3 games, on the basis on what? It's just nonsense. Designed to provoke a reaction. And it worked.
  18. Is there that much of a difference between 'Remi Garde will go down as one of worst ever managerial appointments' and 'Remi Garde is one of worst ever managers'? I mean, really? Both statements are stupid after 3 games. Both statements are ridiculous hyperbole after 3 games. And both statements are opinions, yeah, but that doesn't mean they can't be challenged.
  19. Everybody has the right to an opinion. And people have the right to challenge that opinion if said opinion is hyperbolic, OTT nonsense.
  20. Hyperbolic nonsense. Way to give him a chance after 3 games.
  21. Pretty much everything Tenacious D have ever written has been brilliant. Even Pick of Destiny, which was stupid, had amazing music.
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