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Everything posted by StefanAVFC

  1. To disrupt every day lives means the terrorists win. The best way to beat terrorism is to carry on as normal and not be scared.
  2. Splitting up tens of thousands of families because tens of people may commit terrorist acts is ridiculous logic. It's also absurdly cruel to thousands and thousands of children who will grow up with father's because of their skin colour. Doesn't sit right with me in the slightest. Imagine being a child travelling all that way to finally reach safety and your father is told to bugger off because he's of 'fighting age'.
  3. This picture is being set as people's profile picture (very public) who I work with and get on with. I'm shocked at them because I didn't know they held such views. Not because they have a different opinion to me. With respect, that's total nonsense and you know it is.
  4. I have loads of Poles on my Facebook timeline and some of the shite I've seen posted by people who I'm friends with from work etc has shocked me. Really horrible stuff. Poland haven't even have anything happen to them. And the right just won the election. Fun times ahead.
  5. The statement made about knuckledraggers wasn't originally aimed at people on this forum; more so at right wing nutjobs, so to then aim it anybody on this thread in particular was wrong and I apologise for it.
  6. Agreed that I haven't made it well with regards to that particular point. It's almost 2am here and I've had a few drinks so fully noted on that. What I mean is that it's silly to make assumptions on who did this attack and the reasoning behind it without knowing facts. It's far easier to shout MUSLIMS, ISIS, REFUGEES!! than wait and see. To immediately make those assumptions just strikes me as having a pre-determined agenda to be honest. That was the basic point I was making and I hope I've made it clearer!
  7. I was about to post something very similar but you said it better. Spot on.
  8. You're right then. Muslims are evil. Islam is evil. 6 million Muslims in France. As ChrisP said, shall we get them under house arrest now? Or just deport them in the morning? Nonsense.
  9. Even if not 'wild' it's still an assumption. Even so, see point B. The refugee camp in Calais being set alight in 'revenge' is just ridiculous. None of those people did anything wrong. Some proper words removed in the world, regardless of religion.
  10. Do we know this yet? Or are you making a wild assumption? Even if they are Muslims, does that make it right to condemn Islam as a religion because of a few idiots? (again, in the grand scheme of things, it is a few idiots committing these vile acts)
  11. And you disagree? Terrorists ARE responsible no?
  12. And this. It suits people's political views to already place blame on people based on assumptions. Lets wait and see before blaming Islam or refugees or whoever is next eh?
  13. Well, you can. As Mooney said, it's like blaming every single person from Birmingham if a few Brummies shot somebody. The proportions are similar.
  14. You know a few refugees then? Massive generalisation yet again.
  15. ISIS are evil bastards. Clever evil bastards. They want us to be scared. They want us to fear each other. They're terrorists. By blaming Islam as a religion, you're letting them win. Refugees fleeing war and persecution do not then go and recreate what they fled from.
  16. To people blaming refugees for attacks in Paris tonight. Do you not realise these are the people the refugees are trying to run away from? Innocents getting killed is repulsive, no matter if the dead are people in Paris, Gaza or Afghanistan. You cant cherry pick your humanity. Refugees are not responsible. Muslims are not responsible. Terrorists are responsible & it's them the problem lies with, not innocent people. 3 very, very good tweets that appeared on my timeline.
  17. Thank goodness for that. Picking hostages off 1 by 1 is a terrifying thought.
  18. Fantastic post that I will quote in response to Donnie above.
  19. A minority giving the majority a bad name. It's working too. Anybody who generalises a group of people billions strong by the actions of a minority is a knuckledragger in my eyes. Proportionately, it would be like generalising the entirety of VT based on one person's postings. Brainless.
  20. Hardly. I'm not the one labelling and condemning an entire religion of billions because of a few whackjobs (and yes, it is still a few in the grand scheme of things)
  21. Cue knuckledraggers using this to fuel their political agenda..
  22. very true also, but radicalisation is far worse than a little old lady saying a rosary.
  23. Crushingly sad news. It's so sick that people are such evil idiots that they allow their ideology to rule their actions. I'd also like to add my condolences to the Muslims also killed by ISIS in Iraq today. Radicalisation is a total scourge on the planet.
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