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Everything posted by vandaq

  1. No one in this team is world class, far from it.
  2. To be fair, even if his resume is quite weak, I have nothing against him if he is up for the task. Best scenario is we have a player that can stay with us for a couple of seasons. The problem being if he is good enough, so far I have really nothing to say. I have seen so little, he seems like he has some pace and might be a decent dribbler(?). But yeah, its no big signing but I wanna see more before I say anything.
  3. Yeah, it is sort of worrying....what is going on here? Maybe they feel he needs to be properly prepared? I seen loads of managers done stupid stuff like that before and waited more matches then was needed. And what about that stuff that he was impressive in training? I don`t know, I guess if he really was good enough he would have started already. I also think KEA will start instead of delph, but there is a bigger chance sylla will at least get to play more than 10 minutes in the next two matches.
  4. Yeah, there were rumors that spurs were after him, but I think they will go for a more proven striker. However, be it a team in PL or not, there will be a bigger and better club that will come in with bids. If I were him I would be cautious, there is a big chance he might become a sub instead of a main striker. A lot of his game is flawed, though I thought he did better on that yesterday. But honestly, I don`t see him being top 4 material just yet. But I won`t be mad at him if he wants to move on either, I just hope when that happens that we get our moneys worth.
  5. Thing is, we need to take our chances when they arise. We could have got something from both the Arsenal and Man C games but we blew both chances and have come away with no points. It's extremely risky to rely on games against our relegation rivals to get the points we need to stay up. The matches against QPR and Reading will be real battles and I doubt our robustness even if we might have the edge in skill. That is certainly true, again I am at fault for trying to look at it positive(not being sarcastic) But we will see, I still stand by it but they better deliver it when it comes. There is no excuse for a loss in the next match, even if reading shows up. At least we know that game is open and a win is much more in the air, I would be devastated if they fail.
  6. Honestly, it went better than I expected. Even if city didn`t really show up, that has been an excuse for the last couple of games. I will retract my statement if we lose against reading but honestly, I see us grabbing 6 points in the next two matches. Just furious that once again, a goal was made because of a individual mistake. So typical, but whatever. We should have had more shots today, we offered basically nothing against their goal. Other than that, I think things are looking good(yes I am serious) We will see though, I have been let down a lot of times this season so nothing is certain.
  7. Once again, Clark makes a mistake that costs us a goal. I am so tired of mistakes like that, EVERY TIME. WHY, JUST WHY. Specially when we had such a good half, at least the 30 first minutes. I really started to have some faith....USELESS
  8. Very average team for City...Still nervous as all hell though. Please, just win today!!! UP THE VILLA
  9. I would literally go down on lambert if we were to win this one. As long as we don`t get hammered then I feel okay about it. Would be amazing, it really would be. Expect Sylla to start this match to add some physical presence but knowing how we play, I fully expect something ridiculous tactics as the match goes on. Like someone else mentioned, put on every forward we have and so on...
  10. Would be pretty amazing but I see nothing to back up the claim, in fact the only thing I do find is that people claim its bs. But if it were to happen, I expect major changes in the way the club is run, transfers and so on.
  11. Anything to back up such a claim?
  12. No, just no. His head is somewhere else and he is becoming a joke in our country. He is like heskey in Norway, besides he says he has movie projects and other stuff going on. Combine that with the recent incident at Inter, there is no chance. He didn`t even pass the medical and was sent home. His age is also going against him at this point, so I doubt he could add anything to our team. Also, the problem in our team does not rely so heavily on the offence but rather on the defensive side.
  13. lol, this is turning out to be quite funny. Okay, for now he can have a clean sheet from me, I am gonna try and look at him like a new signing and see how he performs. Gotta make the best out of it...
  14. I do find myself asking the same question but we will see. I am not gonna pass judgement on him until I have seen a couple of matches from him. But I do find this worrying, a signing for the future in january sounds questionable at best, specially when you look at our squad and how we are doing. Also when you see which pos he plays, a place where we desperately need something. I hope all these rumors that he is impressing on the training ground is true and he will start a game soon. Last 15 is not gonna cut it.
  15. Yeah, he is not there yet but he is attracting attention for sure. He has made a bigger impact now and has exceeded our expectations. He is not quite there yet to take a huge move as his game is still lacking in some areas. I do believe if he keeps this up then he has a very bright future ahead of him. I am not gonna get my hopes up but so far he is impressing me a lot and he seems to have a great attitude.
  16. No, I think there still will be questions. Even if we were to go on a winning spree, I would still feel very insecure about how we would perform next season. A lot of relies on who we can bring in the summer, we need some known names, and I mean it. Basically, I don`t want my first reaction to be "Who is this guy?" and then go on google and look him up. And who knows, maybe we will have new owners in 4 months, which will make things more complicated. But I have felt for a long time that even if Lambert has done a lot of questionable decisions, this squad is really poor. We are missing vital players in key areas, which is so important. You can be a tactical genius, but it doesn`t help if we keep having these individual mistakes.
  17. It really is. I would say based on our form, we are in the clear. But that sort of thinking is dismissive as it really goes down to how they will perform and who is playing. I hope we can try Sylla from the get go on monday, there is no better time to pull him out than now and maybe, just maybe he can add some more depth to this team on the other side of the pitch. My tension for the matches against reading and qpr will be sky high, in a sort of weird way I really look forward to it. Just imagine getting two wins in a row, would be so massive, I would lose my shit.
  18. vandaq


    True that, I also find myself more excited for the match tomorrow than ours on monday. Shame really, but I have to tune in. I will mostly be watching us to see how we keep up and how we will fight. Even if we would be down 3-0 after the first half, I wonder how they are gonna approach the second half. Will be interesting, but I won`t be devastated if we lose, I already know it is coming. I do feel however that if we were to lose the next three matches then there are no hope. I don`t know if that is a realistic outlook or a pessimistic one..
  19. lol this got amusing. Rumors also has it that spurs and arsenal are watching weimann closely. Just **** off. I have no doubts that will happen in the summer but I am getting tired of that shit.
  20. It really does...man it`s kinda worrying when you think about it. So much stuff can happen in the next couple of months really. we go down, get a shit new owner and we could be faced with becoming a championship team for quite some time, maybe even league 1.
  21. Remember that most of those opinions are based on matches where a certain players has excelled compared to what they have showed earlier. Think about it, basically the only player on the team that has been consistent this season is Guzan. Several players on our team has had so many on and off matches, which in result puts us in this mess. Think about it, it`s every match. Heck, even bennett had his best match against Arsenal for whatever reason. I think this is why you get some of these conflicted opinions.
  22. vandaq


    If we play like we have done for the last couple of matches we will stay up, the question lies more on the players if they can keep it together. Unforunately, it never plays out like it really should, which is why I love this game and also hate it when it goes against you.
  23. A lot of the players are free to leave if they go down like remy for example. But yeah, they are throwing money at it like there is no tomorrow. No doubt that if they stay up they will become one of the better teams next season. Their squad is just too good, I find it so hard to believe the state they are in. Park, Samba, Remy, Granero, Bosingwa, Taraabt, M`Bia and so on. It really is insane if you ask me.
  24. Wasn`t baker most at fault for the first goal? Maybe I remember it wrong...
  25. There will always be scapegoats in teams, always. Maybe he gets a little too much hate but honestly I fail to see how most of it is unjustified. But the more puzzling thing is that some people on here make it seem like he is one of the best on our team, like top 3.
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