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Everything posted by osmark86

  1. agreed, but in his defense the passing options were nonexistent today. our midfield is both slow and shapeless.
  2. I agree. even though he easily should have scored today I think he does have some of that striker instinct in him. he really looks shot on his confidence though and as you say his crosses are gash.
  3. somebody please order this man a physical workout routine to bolster some stamina and strength. with some of that he might actually become an asset for us. right now he has flashes of great stuff but on the whole is too slow.
  4. think he had a pretty good game. nearly saved a world beater from Harry Arter today and should not be held accountable for either of the goals (both we're absolutely splendid strikes). made a couple of good saves as well so I'm not too worried if we have to rely on him for the rest of the season based on what I've seen from him this season. I hope I'm not wrong.
  5. but also less dangerous overall. AEG is still the better player imo even though that isn't saying much.
  6. brilliant for the goal today to be honest. he can be so frustrating though with all the offsides he causes for himself. not going to be our salvation this year that's for sure.
  7. when he plays poor he takes it to new levels of poor.
  8. he's one of our players I would give another chance to because he can be lethal on his day, albeit his days are few and far between. should definitely be as a squad player however should we survive.
  9. much to stand-offish and slow. he truly is a player that can have his moments, but on the whole is very limited. if Grealish doesn't play there's almost no point in using him.
  10. might be time to insert a mental fortitude test into our shopping. we seem to attractive weak-minded players that would rather stroll around and collect than actually play ball. our midfield + attack leaves so much to be desired and I really hope we try to rectify it this january for our survival's sake.
  11. a nothing footballer imo. we should get rid asap.
  12. too much money in the prem so that is always top prio and teams therefore don't field very competitive sides.
  13. Both shots were amazing. Nyland actually almost had the second one and that one was perfect upper left corner. Think he's been good.
  14. I agree. We have been slow and turgid. Think the goal might have woken us up a bit though.
  15. Finally some movement. We're not sleepwalking anymore.
  16. A little more to the left and that goes in. Close on Jota.
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