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Everything posted by osmark86

  1. I'm not that disappointed. they showed their true colors in the second half and I expect to see more of it in the near future.
  2. I would love to see a quick goal in second half, preferably from Benteke so he can get back into shape again (well overdue now). let's not forget it's Arsenal they're playing. however, each player needs to put in more effort. right now we look like a side that's constantly hesitating, waiting for other players to do the dirty work. I believe that one a good day this team can perform really well, but right now I don't see the fire in these players and the will to do what has to be done. this is causing us a lot of harm.
  3. where is the attacking gist? the midfield doesn't ever follow up. same as for putting pressure on arsenal...no wonder we can never control a game.
  4. now that's just not going to happen realistically, who are we kidding here...?
  5. Lambert is looking for 1 or 2 experienced players, which I wouldn't mind. "If we can get one or two experienced players in to give us a hand then we will try to do that." -PL after the Sunderland game (BBC Sports).
  6. Looked better in the second half, but the woofing was aloofing too many mucho. still needs more movement if we're going to have a chance at competing against ALL the other teams in the league. the possession stats are waaaaay too poor for an Premier League team. At least we didn't lose again and I'm at least somewhat happy with 1 points going away from this fixture.
  7. would really love to see Helenius given a chance today. I thought buying in a lot of different forwards was supposed to put pressure on the lads performing and seeing as they really haven't it's about time he's given a fair chance. Do or die today, so I'm pretty damn nervous for this game. C'mon Villa!!
  8. osmark86


    Hi, I am a 27yr old Aston Villa fan currently residing in my hometown Stockholm, Sweden. I've supported the club for plenty of years and even had the opportunity to follow an entire season at the spot when I lived in Birmingham (near Aston mind ye) for a year together with one of my closest friends. We went to plenty of home games and followed the ones we couldn't make it to (we couldn't afford the "or" in poor) at the local waterholes. Been lurking this forum for a long time now and I finally decided that I want in on the posting action as I have a few opinions regarding AVFC at this day and age. Hopefully I'll get to talk to more of you soon (if I'm deemed worthy that is). Peace and love, //Jon
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