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Everything posted by jayEm

  1. How will Benteke staying affect our transfers now?
  2. Agreed, it feels like we've made one good step forward with our signings, but so has everyone else! I think it could be very tight next season, not predicting another relegation battle but we might find it hard to advance very far against other teams around us who have also strengthened.
  3. So the 'out until Christmas' rumour is a load of rubbish? Please be a load of rubbish...
  4. With the current signings we could finish 9th-12th I think.
  5. Hopefully it will give Lambert some time to refine the team following the opening two fixtures so we're up to speed for the Newcastle game.
  6. It certainly evens out, hard first couple of months but then 11 relatively easy games around Christmas (other than Man U, but we've beaten them in December before).
  7. So the fixtures have been out twenty minutes and you've already decided we'll be on a relegation battle by October?
  8. Guess we've got those out of the way then. Christmas is surprisingly easy, hope we make the most of it.
  9. One of the cleverest ones yet.
  10. Come on, it's gone two o'clock and we still haven't had any transfers today. What's Lambert doing?!?
  11. Both Grandparents grew up within range of the cheers at Villa Park. My Grandmother's house was later demolished to make way for one of the stands. Dad supports Villa, so I always have.
  12. What if, by constantly reloading, we're actually preventing the site manager from updating it?
  13. They better mean 14:00:00 and not some time around then...
  14. I bet whoever's in charge of updating the site is sat at his desk watching this thread, wondering how long he can hold it back and how mad we'll become.
  15. That's what I worry. I guess it's good that we'll have an immediate replacement though, if this is true.
  16. He sounds really up for joining us from that source, or am I misinterpreting his words?
  17. Best was Lowton's, for sure. Most important, however, was probably Gabby's equaliser at QPR. Though we'd improved a lot in the Reading game, we knew it would be worthless if we didn't get 3 points against QPR. We did, though, thanks to that goal.
  18. Strengthen in the summer and we can take the league by storm.
  19. jayEm


    We are premier league...
  20. jayEm


    Sorry to say this but... IN BEFORE THE LOCK
  21. jayEm


    My pulse raises just thinking about what scenario we could be in by then...
  22. jayEm


    It's gonna be okay guys. Honestly. Gonna be all fine...
  23. jayEm


    Regardless of what happens (and I'm still of the opinion we'll stay up), I think most Villa fans would have to agree we've exceeded expectations massively since the Reading game. I know a lot of fans were sure we'd finish bottom...
  24. jayEm


    The worst thing about these last few weeks is that Villa have basically down all we can; beaten teams we needed to (possible exception of Fulham), our losses were expected and we still played well. We'll stay up though.
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