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Everything posted by rodders0223

  1. Getting smashed by United constitutes as a good memory for him. What a loser.
  2. He was one of the worst 'footballers' I have ever seen. Sure he could strike one every know and again, but so could Craig Gardner, and Holman made Gardner look like Iniesta when it came to first touch and passing abilities. Typical Mcleish tripe, will run through brick walls for you but don't ask him to pass a ball...to feet...from 5 yards away.
  3. Lukaku, flat track, one dimensional bully who doesn't do it when it counts.
  4. Really radical concept I know, but he got better over time. So good he got farmed out to a Championship club, sat on our bench, played about 80 minutes worth of decent stuff and got released,
  5. Let me convince you......he's much better than Albrighton...... not based on his performances at the baggies that i saw last year he's not, 29 years old and the baggies couldnt agree a £2.5m deal for him Baggies couldn't agree a deal to pay for Sherwood's backroom staff and have just signed a coach who flopped at PNE tbf. He is much better than Albrighton, he will fade in and out throughout the season but he can be a match winner. I would take him for a few mil. This is starting to get a bit tiresome. The actual Albrighton, the one who played the second half of last season, didn't fade in and out, and was in fact one of the most consistent performers in the squad. Replacing him with a 29 year old who you're already acknowledging regularly goes missing seems particularly unlikely to be an improvement. The love Albrighton has had on here the last few months is laughable. He has four or five seasons here, I can count on one hand the amount of great games he had.
  6. Let me convince you......he's much better than Albrighton...... not based on his performances at the baggies that i saw last year he's not, 29 years old and the baggies couldnt agree a £2.5m deal for him Baggies couldn't agree a deal to pay for Sherwood's backroom staff and have just signed a coach who flopped at PNE tbf. He is much better than Albrighton, he will fade in and out throughout the season but he can be a match winner. I would take him for a few mil.
  7. On a highlight reel he is. About £4.5m too much, doesn't impact games nearly enough.
  8. Cahill is truly the CB which got away though. Smh Should have put a buy back clause in the sale to Bolton? he went to Chelsea for £8m I think? Senderos is a small step up from Clark and Baker, though all 3 are mistake prone! Yeah if we had a buy back clause I am sure he would have chosen us over winning the Champions League
  9. Well you have clearly airbrushed your memory of the games to suit your narrative. We played five at the back in the away game and served up a McLeish-esque performance with only one team on the pitch retaining possession and trying to win the game. At home, they were far superior to us in the first half, raping both the full-backs time and again and had the only chances. We were fortunate to go in 0-0 but no surprise that we didn't learn our lessons and were caught half asleep early in the second-half. The game was then pretty much lost so we then brought on Albrighton around the hour-mark and finished as we should've started. 'Going for it' when you have nothing to lose and the other team decide to sit on their lead is something that most teams do. Feel free to read through the match-threads which I'm sure will back up my recollection of the two matches. We had all the possession after they settled upon 2-0. Can you point out any of the chances we had before Albrighton came on? True, we made Jarvis look like Ronaldo that day. It was horrifying to say the least. Albrighton came on when Sam did his, game's won, lets put 10 men behind the ball ploy and had acres to run at them.
  10. He was an improvement on Baker and Clarke but frankly, he was on an O'Neill contract and I thought we done well to shift him and I believe we got a little fee for him.
  11. I'd like to think that but I think we have other concerns. We don't have someone we can rely on scoring enough goals. With benteke and kozak coming back from injuries I'll think we'll struggle to score. We have a manager who struggled last year and I worry fans will be on his back if things don't start well. And although okore will be back and we've signed senderos I don't think we're organised enough at the back. Give bent some decent supply and he will score goals as he did when young and downing were about. I think if we can get Nzogbia and Cole fit and playing we should be able to provide DB if he stays *he would have scored goals. Not sure he can anymore, Lineker could bang in a goal given the chance too, not sure I would have him up top nowadays. Probably got a quicker turn of pace tbf though. I'd like to think that but I think we have other concerns. We don't have someone we can rely on scoring enough goals. With benteke and kozak coming back from injuries I'll think we'll struggle to score. We have a manager who struggled last year and I worry fans will be on his back if things don't start well. And although okore will be back and we've signed senderos I don't think we're organised enough at the back. Give bent some decent supply and he will score goals as he did when young and downing were about. I think if we can get Nzogbia and Cole fit and playing we should be able to provide DB if he stays *he would have scored goals. Not sure he can anymore, Lineker could bang in a goal given the chance too, not sure I would have him up top nowadays. Probably got a quicker turn of pace tbf though.
  12. I have watched numerous games from Lukaku last season where the ball was played into him time and time again, and it was bouncing all over the place, he was laying the ball off and it was going out for throw ins. He scores goals, doesn't mean he is a good footballer.
  13. The latter two were a pair of ***** anyway, who had no interest in being a professional at this club so good riddance. Also, Ireland and Collins were robbing us of over £100k a week so give me Cole and Senderos as squad options anyday.
  14. Lukaku is pretty crap to be honest, flat track bully. There is a reason Mourinho let him go and it's because his all around game is appalling, his touch is appalling, his awareness is appalling. If not for his physique he would be playing Belgian semi-pro. His scoring record at internationals is embarrassing too.
  15. No, it has been destroyed by nearly a decade of mismanagement.
  16. Would have Borini over Gabby in a heartbeat. A proper big game player. I cannot see Liverpool letting him though with the CL this year, and if they do they are in a strong position to recoup the £9m(?) they paid. In short, never going to happen
  17. It doesn't though, the sky money does.
  18. I agree we have too many full time staff compared to other clubs but they can't constitute millions per year and effect the wage bill that much. Does anyone have any examples of this? First I have heard, wouldn't have happened under Deadly!!!
  19. More the fact he was a hugely talented player. To mention him in the same sentance as Hendrie is laughable imo.
  20. I don't see the point in buying another fullback. If it is a Lambert fullback signing, he will be rubbish regardless.
  21. It is even better to sign players who aren't complete pants at all.
  22. He will be loaned out IMO and will be let go on a free
  23. It wasn't the transfer fee that was the problem, it was the £50k over his 46 year contract.
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