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Everything posted by Straggler

  1. I saw Bosko Balaban, Boulding, Joey Gudjonsson and Nii Lamptey (not all at the same time)
  2. Poyet is my first choice (of the more realistic candidates). A bit of a risk, but what is life without taking a few?
  3. I agree, I have a season ticket and have been a member on here for donkeys years, but you can see for yourself how little I actually post.
  4. You might have to wait quite a time then. Even if we are mathmatically safe at the end of the Spurs game whilst AMC is at the club relegation is a subject that will be on everyones mind. I don't see how the thread can be locked until we are safe, AMC has been got rid off and a successor appointed who has the goods to keep us up next year. Imagine Steve Bruce being appoainted next....... Yours a drug addled manic depressive.
  5. Poyet for me. He has been nothing short of outstanding since he took up coaching, a real bright light in the lower divisions and won the Outstanding Managerial Achievement Award a few months ago. He can back up the coaching skill with the charm and charisma that he has demonstrated too. Granted he does not have that much experience behind him, can certainly none at this level, however if he did we would not be able to get him. I think we should get him before he passes us on the way up with another club.
  6. Collymore is a dick. Whatever media he turns up in I turn it off (apart from the start of Basic Instinct 2 where he is killed, which I am happy to watch back)
  7. I was all for voting for Petrov before he got ill, it is absolutely nailed on now. He has had possibly his best season for us as the rest of the team crumbled around him.
  8. I've stopped going this season despite having a season ticket. Sure as hell not going to pay for the pleasure of having an empty seat represent me at VP. I'm going to Villa Spurs to say goodbye and thats that for me until the football improves, which I imagine will coincide with the departure of AM. For those that do the stats I've had a season ticket for 26 years (or so).
  9. Rats, I had a great line about people supporting David Koresh even as they were burning and then you had to go and make a good point about Baker.
  10. Marlon for me too. He is the first signing that I posted really negative stuff about before he even played a game. Emile next as I had never rated him. Pires runs them both close though.....
  11. Arguments for the bill like "something needs to be done about the NHS. This Bill is something therefore it needs to be done" just don't hold water. This bill has been weighed and found wanting by the huge majority of professional bodies, there has been a recognition from within the Tory party that they not make thier intentions for the NHS known before the last election as it would have made them unelectable. If there had been a campaign based around a top down reform of the NHS with a massive move towards privatisation then we would be in no position to complain. As it is we were told a direct lie and there is no mandate for this change at all. Those that voted Cons, I suppose may be ok with this, most of the Liberal voters that I know are absolutely fuming that their party is supporting this Bill. Liberal used to be an option for me at the ballot box, it sure as hell is not any more and if they let this NHS Bill through I hope (and reasonably suspect) it will be the death of the party. This is possibly the most undemocratic thing i have seen in this country in my lifetime (and I'm old enough to remember the poll tax). It makes me sick to see what is being done to the NHS, I just hope I have enough cash in the bank of I won't be able to affor to be treated. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-16954223
  12. @ Voinjama. I agree it is amazing that not only are Real going to win, but that they are pretty much out of site at this stage of the season against such a strong team. Messi just got his 5th goal! Champions League history tonight.
  13. Messi is just unbelievable, but that whole Barca team is spectacular. It is football from a different planet and a joy to watch. I went see them play Valencia a couple of weeks ago. Coming back to watch the Villa play after seeing Barca demolish Valencia 5-1 (Messi got 4 that night too) is like spending a night with all the Victoria's Secret models then coming home to find out that the Mrs is in fact a big fat hairy bloke who intends to have his way with you every night of the rest of your life. This season I genuinely though football was just a shit sport, now I realise that I simply haven't been watching football, just some enthusiastic amateurs in Villa shirts.
  14. I see the BBC are giving us 37% possession today. Against any team that is poor, against Blackburn that is criminal.
  15. I disagree a eunuch is really useful in a whorehouse as they will not be distracted by the goings on so can do useful stuff like keep things nice and tidy and perhaps the book-keeping. I'm going to so with as useful as a waterproof teabag
  16. One of the long running conversations we have on the way to a game (well once or twice a season) is the all time best and all time worst Villa 11. One of our toughest positions to fill was right back in the worst 11 as we didn't really feel that there was a right back that had really been awful in the same way a Kinsella say had been in midfield. Hutton has put an end to our problems in that regard as he is properly pony.
  17. I see no reason for Keane to lie, he has no reason and nothing to gain from doing so. So I take the above from RK as basically true (ish) which leaves me wondering where the problem actually is ? # Actually Keane has hundreds of thousands of reasons to not tell the whole truth. He has already stated that he sees in the future many players taking the same path he Becks, Donovan and Henry have done. This short term loan will be very profitable for Keane and he would like to do more of it. One thing that could really dent these ambitions would be to leave Villa and then give a warts and all analysis of his time there. What other manager would ask him to do the same if he can be shown to be a disruptive influence when he leaves. Giving a nice positive message that follows the party line at Villa is much more condusive to his future employment prospects and ambitions. He actually has less of a reason to be negative about his time there as it can only really reflect badly on him to the rest of the football world (apart from Villa fans). Now he looks like a good solid pro, who came in did a job for the team and was positive in the media. nice addition to the CV I'm sure there are more teams looking at him wondering if he can do the same for them now.....
  18. Well my dad an I have finally made the decision to not renew our season tickets. The decision was made on the way to the game, so was not influenced by the City game, but it did reinforce the belief that we will not be missing anything. AMC has killed it for us, we just don't have fun at Villa Park anymore. We may come back in a few years, but have already booked in other stuff to do on the now free weekends. I will have been coming to the Villa for 28 years by the end of the season so I am probably due a change anyway.
  19. Cut And Run Eaten Alive! Carry on Up the Jungle Toy Story Let the Right One In
  20. I will be dumping Ba now before his price drops when everyone else does the same thing. I will buy him back as soon as he gets knocked out or wins the African Cup. You probably won't loose much to do it really.
  21. 45 points right now with 7 players still left to play this week. looking good. Was already the 242nd best Villa fan in the world before the week started and in the top 20k in the whole competition.
  22. There is a good player in there somewhere, but it has been lost this season. I would look at Gabby last season, who really seemed to have lost it as a player and was going backwards. This season with fitness on his side he has come back looking marvelous. There is more to Delph showing poor form than him being a rubbish player. I have seen with my own eyes him doing way better than he has done this season. I just hope he can get it back.
  23. Protests are not pointless, they at least have a chance (even a slim onoe) of achieving something. The only thing that is pointless is apathy, which is guaranteed to achieve nothng.
  24. That is fine by me I would want to aim a protest squarly at McLeish.
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