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Everything posted by TheSufferingVilla

  1. Same team as Sunday + same attitude = Same result. Yes please.
  2. He will be an excellent player but he's just not yet used to the pace and physicality of the Premier League. It will come in time.
  3. Shenmue, it set the bar for production value that we now see as standard and truly kicked gaming into the 21st century. I doubt I'll ever again play a game that feels like it's 5/6 years ahead of it's time.
  4. Come on Villa! Wasn't able to sleep last night with the nerves, feel like I have a flock of ostriches legging it around my stomach.
  5. I don't know if it's really Houllier's choice. MON switched Ash into the hole pre-season. KMAC kept him there and GH continued the futile effort. Perhaps it's the most valuable, talented and influential player in the squad that's demanding to play there and since the players contract is on a knife edge the managers hands are tied? Perhaps.
  6. General crack open the club Rolodex, for the Newcastle game you should assemble every former player with a love for Villa and disperse them throughout the stadium to encourage and fire up the fans so that they may do the same to the boys on the pitch.
  7. The only way I can see Messi leaving is if he was to say I fancy a foray into a different league and setting a date like when he's 27 then running down the contract and barca selling him with a year left to run. The fee will still be astronomical.
  8. I don't understand the calls for Mark Hughes, Fulham they have won less games than us and he had at least some preseason to get them ready. Sure we have a better team on paper but Fulham under RH were not a bad side, under Hughes so far they have been fairly rubbish.
  9. Club Deportivo O'Higgins, is a Chilean football club based in the city of Rancagua and has probably the most brilliant team name in the world.
  10. More of a chance having Muammar Gaddafi as our next manager than Mourinho.
  11. Park the bus and hit long hopeful balls to no one, Everton have an uncanny knack of beating themselves in such circumstances.
  12. Ash will probably try to make up for his penalty miss in the last match I just hope he doesn't try too hard and get frustrated while frustrating those around him. This is a game for the attack to pile on the pressure and keep Wolves pinned back to spare our ramshackle defence.
  13. A good penalty taker isn't scared to make eye contact with the keeper. A good penalty taker steps up and blasts it, no mind games, no stuttered runs, no **** around. **** off Ashley! You cost us this game you **** word removed.
  14. Its not rubbish though we should never of sold him. and for zat **** knight Cahill refused to be a substitute, Knight didn't.
  15. ------------Friedel------------- --Walker-Clark-Dunne-Young-- Downing-Reo-Petrov-Albrighton ------------Young------------- -----------Heskey-------------
  16. Whenever Downing loses the ball he busts a nut getting back to retrieve it (and often does). Great attitude. He still backs out of most 50/50 challenges but the rest of his play more than makes up for it.
  17. I met Enda a couple of weeks after he had succeeded Noonan as the party leader. Needless to say he didn't inspire me with much confidence. At first he was well spoken and well presented about a dozen jars and handshakes later he had lost his jacket, his tie, his hair was a ruffled mess and he was utterly incoherent. At that moment I knew he would be the ideal figurehead for the country.
  18. Done by me a few pages ago. I'll accept a hand job as an apology. I'll send around Threadward Scissorhands to sort you out.
  19. I had a lovely fresh Pork Loin that I forgot about and has now reached its use-by date. Had planned to stick it in the slow cooker but that broke so I'm going to try and cut it up and cook in the pan.
  20. Eraser Thread Threadward Scissorhands Lady in Thread Probably all Bin Dunne.
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